It has been ten days since my last update to this journal.
To keep the home sickness and cabin fever at bay we have kept ourselves busy. That said it doesnt stop the feelings or thoughts on night watch.
We have busied ourselves with clearing out the block apartment by apartment. So far our efforts have reached down 20 floors. We have quite a pile of trade goods. We also found quite a few piles of human remains. These bones are piled near the resych suite until we can dispose of them correctly.
Alas we found the block armoury was stripped. Only a few close combat weapons and bullets remain. They are no use to us so they went into the trade pile.
Many of the old security cameras have been put back online or moved to cover key points in the block the four of us can't cover. At least it improves our security situation.
Communications with Utopia have been virtually non exisitant. There is a lot of interference and static in our radio comms. We know they are there and they know we are here but no meaningful communication has been achieved. Magistrate Warren pointed out that this is a common phenomenon since the orbital bombarment and is nothing sinister.
The static has also limited our use of the drones. We nearly lost another due to loss of comms. We got lucky recalling it. The good news about this is that the static has blocked the awful Kraptoidiots corporation's radio transmissions. I think the static is preferable.
Our supplies are starting to get low and we have begun rationing as we have had no resupply information from Utopia. Maybe the environmental radio interference is stopping a resupply?
I have continued the mapping of the settlements and anomalies across the ruins. It seems that some bands are making their way to larger settlements. There is logic in the safety in numbers argument. We also think we have may have discovered the location of the settlement Wastetopia we have heard in the radio chatter before the static. Wastetopia is suspected to be near the North Eastern edge of the ruins. Hopefully we can get a drone sweep once the static dies.
The anomalies fields continue to change and puzzle us. We need more people and equipment to collect more data. They only thing we do know is that they are still deadly.
Whilst many townships do not allow scavengers Wastetopia gets a a fair bit of trade from them. The Warlord's guards keep a close eye on them as they tend to determine drunk, cause trouble, cheat and steal anything not bolted down.
The figure is a Copplestone Casting Scavenger. Beyond the towns deep in the ruins and wastelands beyond Scavengers loot easy places leaving the more dangerous places to the Stalkers and recovery teams. The Scavenger's also attack any easy targets such as wounded stalkers or merchants. Not all encounters with Scavengers are bad. There are stories of them trading or coming to help people in distress. Despite this they are considered to be a hazard by many.
A guy in a suit of old power armour walks into Wastetopia looking for a drink. The armour has come from several sets and has many custom painted parts.
Meet Captain Bustard who leads the Bunker Bastards, a team of pre war bunker hunters. They find the bunkers and break in, looting what they can. They then move to the nearest town to spend their loot. Most of the team have suits of power armour. This figure is a slightly customised old plastic 40K RT era space marine.
Out in the Greasy Poon settlement a mutant has arrived.....
Meet Mr Hanky. A living pile of muck. Rumor has it that it escaped from a outhouse someplace. Don't get too close besides getting muck all over he may be radioactive too. Mr Hanky comes from Ramshackle games mutants line.
A few more recruits for the Warlord's Wasteocrates gangs in the township of Wastetopia.
A tough wasteland lady and a short range sharp shooter who covers the Warlord's back when out waving at the hordes of Wastetopia. The chick is from Foundry Miniatures and the sharp shooter comes from Ramshackle games. Sadly the barrel had snapped off the rifle
Meet Squeek and Snitch. Squeek is the Warlord's advisor about the Vermen of the Brood that the big man is trying to form an alliance with. Snitch is the Warlord's spy out in the township. Ratlings are naturally stealthy and it lends to Snitch's job of snooping about. Squeek is a old plastic Skaven with a shotgun modification. Sneak is a old Warhammer Halfling. I converted him back in the late 80's to fit into my Rogue Trader games by adding a laser pistol.
Brittannia city have founded a colony in the ruins called "Mirandatown". The detachment also feature power armored troops.
This is a specialist technologist who goes out with the power armoured troops and helps identify the arcane items to be removed from the ruins. This figure is a old 40K RT era space marine specialist.