
Saturday, 11 November 2017

Wasteland Wondering...Necromunda

Hello and Welcome back to my blog.

In this Wasteland Wondering I will be talking about the new GW release Necromunda, or Necromunda 2 as many of us greybeards are calling it. The rumours and drip fed eye candy has been about for a few months now. In my usual style I am late to the party.

When I first heard about Necromunda returning I was excited about the news. However giving the past history of GW I was a little reserved as they have had a habit of ruining things in pursuit of profit.

So the new rules are going to be based on the new edition of 40k. Having not played the new version of 40K I cannot not comment. That said I have only played Necromunda 3 or 4 times and I liked the rules (although I prefer Neutronyork 3000 to Necromunda). Sure it had its failures but then rulesets are like people. Each one is different and none of them are perfect. With this in mind I will approach the new rules with a open mind. If I don't like them I still have the old rules and a host of other rulesets to fall back on.

Then there was the news that the bases will be 32mm in diameter and slightly thicker than the old 25mm slotta base. This caused much wailing on the internet. This is not really an issue for me as I would be rebasing them on 25mm or smaller anyway. It makes using them in confined spaces such as gantries a lot easier. So for me it is not a issue. I may end up using coins or washers as bases.

The new figures would be 32mm rather than 28mm heroic scale. Looking at the shared pictures online the new figures look a head higher than the older ones. This has caused some grumbling from the Oldhammer collectors who have old Necromunda gangs they want to get out.

Now I don't know if you have noticed but people come in a whole range of sizes. I have friends that range from 4 foot 8 to 6 foot 3. I also know a few people who are over 6 foot 6 inches. In 28mm terms that translates as roughly 26mm to 35mm from the top of the head to the foot. A seven footer would be 38mm. All within the human size range. Who knows what another 38,000 years will do to human evolution?

Over the years in my haphazard way I have collected figures from many lines from 25mm through to 32mm. I have never let the height or bulk bother me. As I mentioned earlier, folks come in all manner of sizes. One trick to cut down height is instead of using a slotta base is to use a coin or washer. That lowers the figures height and makes things look at bit more even on the table top. Another trick is to shave a mm or two off the soles of the shoes/boots off the figures.

When the news landed that the game was to take place using tiles it caused even more wailing and gnashing of teeth on the internet. After all Necromunda was always a 3d multilevel game. It was one of it's selling points.

To my mind the multistory looking levels whilst looking good rarely fitted the massive underside of a city. These areas are usually tunnels, rooms, ancient sewers and forgotten basements. Yes giving the Necromunda fluff lost domes and multilevels can still be part of the game but tunnel warfare makes much more sense to my twisted mind.

I am lucky to have my own tunnel system built. Tunnel Terrain Page.   Now old Necromunda fans may like the challenges of multi levels but tunnel fights are far different. One automatic weapon can control a whole corridor. But better pray you don't get a jam. Grenades become your new best friends, if they don't bring the roof down (I wonder if the new rules covers this?). Watching corners becomes important. When close combat breaks out it renders your fancy guns useless as it can block a tunnel and you can't get a clear shot or LOS.

In short I am looking forward to seeing the new game but I still remain reserved. At least I will have a couple of new gangs for my wastelands.

Just my thoughts. Thanks for reading.

Take care out there! 

Saturday, 4 November 2017

Matt Black Report #16 - Mad Mek

Mad Mek.

The Mad Mek is held in awe by the rest of the Trogs as he clearly belongs to two castes. Not only is he a Mek Boy but he is a Mad Boy too. The boys think he is strange because of his need to look out for others (in a violent way of course) and his interest in Humans. The Mad Mek also belonged to the cult of speed for a short while. He got kicked out because he didn't think "Red Unz go Fasta" and painted his buggy matt black. Surely another sign he is mad?

The Mad Mek is under the protection of the Matt Black Trog who feels this odd Trog is important to the new world order.

The Mad Mek wanders the ruins and wastelands looking for parts to build his Intorkceptor, righting wrongs, fixing stuff and being nice to Humans as he goes along.

The Mad Mek is made up from bits. Boyz legs, Ork Biker body and arm. The Shotgun is a Ork resin item by Kromlech. The arms had putty sleeves added and Mad Max style shoulder armor added. Next up for this guy is for me to make a Squig, build a Intorkceptor and possible a Grot side kick. 

Matt Black Report #15 - Da Duke of Nu Ork!

Da Duke of Nu Ork!

On the northern edge of the Matt Black City ruins lies a few blocks held by a bunch of Trogs who do have not sworn allegiance to the Matt Black Trog. This territory is known as Nu Ork and is ruled over by a Trog simply known as Da Duke.

Da Duke dreams of the day when his forces can rival the Matt Black Trog in strength and numbers. When he can lead his Trogs to Matt Black City and smash Trog City. Until then he will make do waging war on the Humans and Trog gangs roaming the ruins. 

Da Duke is made from the 40K Ork Nobz kit and is inspired by the classic "Duke in the Escape From New York" movie. I added the gold braid epauletes from greenstuff which mark his rank. 

Matt Black Data Report #14 Utopia Magistrates Heavy Assault team.

Utopia Magistrates Heavy Assault team.

In Utopia city a special team of power armored Magistrates are being assembled. Their task is to head to the Matt Black City Ruins and support the team of Magistrates based there.

The figures are old 40K RT era metal Space Marines, just as they started adding older power armor to the range. The color scheme is based on the Utopia Magistrate uniform. 

Matt Black Data Report #13 - Headshot Armaments Heavy Hitter

Headshot Armaments Heavy Hitter

Over the years the boys at Headshot Armaments have come across several bits of old military technology. With a bit of work this old Dreadnought suit was repaired and brought back to life. This walking tank is fitted with two power fists and four bolt guns. Headshot realized that this piece of tech would be bad news in the wrong hands. So they keep it to defend the stock at the factory or Wastetopia when called upon.

The model is a old 40K Rogue Trader era Imperial Dreadnought. 

Wasteland Wondering Seasonal Blues.

Hello and welcome back to another Wasteland Wondering. 

Happy Belated Halloween. I hope you had a spooky time.

I have been neglecting this blog a little over the last few weeks. Real life likes to intrude on hobby time. 

My old bike's wiring has been causing many headaches. 27 year old loom and the great outdoors don't mix well. This has caused me to miss riding in September and October which are two of my favourite riding months. I think I may have to start looking for some new wheels. 

Then there was the build up to Halloween and Halloween itself (we are big on Halloween here). Decorating the house, binging on spooky movies and scaring the trick or treaters.

We also had a trip to the cat cafe in Manchester. We both enjoyed our visit and my wife didn't want to leave. If you like felines I recommend it. According to rumour they are opening one in Liverpool. I guess my good lady will be moving in.

One thing about the approaching colder season if the cats think that they are entitled to use you as a cat bed. As you can see in the picture below, Toffee has grown somewhat. 

I have some hobby updates to post (when I find my camera and kickstart the laptop) a few figures to post up, a drafted post for the forthcoming Necromunda 2 game and even some drafted posts for the Utopia city Magistrates who are stranded in ruins of Matt Black City. 

My Bunker (star) Bastards and Vaulties projects have stalled. The Bunker Bastards are still in hack and convert phase. The Vaulties are mostly painted. They just need the detailing to finish. Sadly I expect that will remain so until after new year, as Xmas looms in the distance. If you think we go nuts for Halloween, you should see us at Yule! 

To add to my collection of Wastelanders I have backed the Mini Gangs Kickstarter. I have been a fan of Curtis' work (Ramshackle Games) for a long time. There are many of his figures in my collection. I look forward to seeing these figures as well as trying to figure out how they will fit into my setting. Plus the rules look fun to play.

I have also been collecting the Mutant Epoch rpg rule book. Another planned post is to do a review of the game, background and mechanics. I love the detailing and fluff of this rpg setting.

For now, have a happy Guy Fawkes night! 

Thanks for reading and stay safe out there.