Monday, 23 December 2019
Merry Christmas
Hobby Bingo 2020
Wednesday, 18 December 2019
Seasonal Hobby Chatter
Welcome back wanderer, come get warm by the fire.
At this time of year my hobby time becomes limited as I start to prepare for the season. Shopping, decorating, wrapping gifts, socialising and celebrating takes up a fair chunk of my spare time. Not to mention all the eating and drinking that my tummy expects.
Back in 2018 I felt that I didn’t paint many figures. So this year I kept a tally of my hobby work. The numbers are in....
Figures painted: 64
Figures reworked: 27
Terrain finished: 22
Terrain reworked: 5
Vehicles finished: 5
Vehicles reworked: 1
Not too shabby I think. Over 1 figure painted per week - not great but still a decent amount. Well, better than nothing anyway. Maybe next year I will aim at 100 figures. Or 104 to be exact.
I seem to have reworked a figure at a rate of one every two weeks and finished a terrain item every two and a half weeks.
Funny, if asked I would have said I didn’t do too much. But I have done more than I realised. It makes me curb the feelings of frustration when looking at the unpainted pile.
One thing I like about this time of year is some time to slow down and a chance to make plans or work on ideas. One thing I may do to keep hobby churning out in 2020 is to play Hobby Bingo. You may not be familiar with it but you take a blank Bingo card and fill it with hobby related targets. Like a conventional game of bingo you cross them off as you achieve them. The aim is to complete a card and hopefully have a productive year.
Next year I hope to get a new gang or two into the wastelands, build further hotwheels based death machines and do some more work on my neglected 15mm Sci Fi setting. Who knows I may even try something new.
Hobby wise next year may present some new challenges time wise. So it will be interesting to see what I get made or painted.
I will be back with a post or two before the new year, stay tuned!
Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoy your holiday season.
Stay safe and warm out there wanderer.
Cheers 🍻🍻
Thursday, 12 December 2019
Wasteland Wondering - Historic and Fantasy ruins
Hello and welcome back. In this Wasteland Wondering I will be looking at other types of ruins often overlooked on the post apocalyptic table, Historical and Fantasy ruins.
This all started when I was chatting to some friends about post apocalyptic ruins and I happened to mention that some historic fantasy ruins could be used on the post apocalyptic games table. This was met with some refusal as they don’t look “right”.
While most Post Apoc films are set in the USA where a lot of buildings fall into the under 200 years old category, here in the U.K. and across Europe there are buildings (and ruins) from the 12th century onwards mixed with modern buildings. There are earlier ruins about too not to mention a liberal sprinkling of standing stones going back to the Neolithic era. In fact it is so common that we don’t really notice it. Some places are like stepping back in time.
I could list a thousand examples without trying. For example the majority of houses where I live is mostly 19th and 20th century. But within a few miles there are 13th and 14th century buildings can be found some mixed in with 20th century houses. There are even standing stones in the south part of the city.
Scotch piper pub a couple of miles from me
Edinburgh has medieval streets and so has York. Not to mention all the castles. Nottingham (centre of the Wargames universe) has a mix of buildings some going back to medieval times. Conway, Llangollen and many parts of Wales have dark age and Norman castles. This is in addition to some buildings going back to Queen Elizabeth the first. Then there is the old abbeys (often ruined) dotted about the place. Derbyshire has a lot of old historical mansions and castles. One of which has been the star in quite a few films including Robin Hood prince of thieves and the Princess Bride.
Conway castle
So how does historic and fantasy buildings in your ruins feel to you? How would you feel about them being on the table? What historical buildings are near by you?
We concluded that if you wanted to you could take a fantasy or historical ruin and add magnets. This would allow to add the modern bits like notice boards, lights, power boxes, pipes etc.
Looking at that list locally and where I live to visit I am surprised I am not more into Fantasy games. There is a lot of inspiration to be had for the modeller.
Thanks for looking and take care out there.