
Saturday, 1 January 2022

Happy New Year 2022

Happy New Year. 2022 is upon us. Let’s hope it is better than 2021.

My hobby plans for this year are varied and I expect something else will grab my attention and my plans will change. This year I won’t be keeping track of my painted figures or terrain by counting or hobby bingo. During 2021 I knocked up a tracker spreadsheet of ongoing projects which has worked well in giving me a overview of what I have done and what various status various hobby projects are at. It helped drive me to get stuff done.

Mattblackgod’s world: The post Apoc world will continue rolling on. I have quite a few figures from Punkapocalyptic, MEP miniatures, Ramshackle games and Fallout Wasteland Warfare to go at. Lots of new gangs to introduce and additions to existing gangs. 

Last City: The Last City on Mattblackgod’s World has had some changes which will result in a remap of the city. I have also been fleshing out the fluff for beyond the city which I hope will create a gaming background for the gangs. I am still working on that fluff and I hope to get a map created. This little project has given me ideas for some new characters and gangs.

Punkapocalyptic is a post apocalyptic ruleset I would like to play. I haven’t managed any games yet but hopefully I can get a game in during 2022.

Wild Galaxy: I will continue growing this in 28mm with the 5 Parsecs from home and Stargrave rulesets in mind. Again I hope to get a few games of each game played in the coming year. I have a pile of Sci Fi figures to get painted too. 

Mytharth is my home brew fantasy setting which is a diversion to paint fantasy figures as the whim takes me. There are plenty of Wizards, Witches, Barbarians and more to paint up. My friend Xander gave me a pile of nicely painted fantasy figures last year which I still need to sort. Who knows I might even be able to get a game of frostgrave in.

There is also some fantasy terrain to knock together. This is a must to get done as I am sick pictures of fantasy figures against my PA/Sci Fi terrain collections. It looks odd. 

Flintloque: I painted up Rudolf’s Raiders last year from the Flintloque lines. I like the whimsical fantasy aspect of the figures. So much so I treated myself to the Black Czar starter set. Not sure the rules are for me but I am sure I will enjoy painting the figures up.

The Silver Bayonet: This Napoleonic gothic horror has grabbed my imagination however I am not sure if I will get into it just yet. The setting shares terrain styles with Flintloque and I am tempted at knocking up some buildings for a change from my usual Sci Fi and Post Apocalyptic vibes. 

Attacking the half finished project piles is another aim. I have a pile of half built models, built figures and terrain that needs getting finishing. Hopefully I can get the pile down.

I hope that you are having a wonderful new year and 2022 is a happy prosperous year for you. Thanks for reading.