
Sunday, 22 January 2023

Hobby Progress

Hello and Welcome back, 

It’s getting close to the end of what feels like the longest month of the year. It feels like an age since New Year. Things have been moving slowly on the hobby front but I have been trying to fit a little hobby time most days. I thought a little progress report would be in order.

One of my plans for the upcoming year is to create a pirate faction for my Wild Galaxy setting known as the Bloody 40, inspired by a story I found in a local history book. As a faction they will operate in two ways with a pirate crew with a vessel (the Bloody Vengeance) and a second group that operate as a high jackers operating within the ships they target. This lot is assembled will be the crew of the Bloody Vengeance. They might even be handy as a crew for Stargrave too. 

These figures are a mix of Northstar Rogue Stars and Antediluvian miniatures figures. I got them assembled, cleaned and primed ready for me to throw the paint about. 

I got a DnD fantasy magic robot Titan from a friend for Christmas. It needed to be shootier. So I clipped off an arm with a battle hammer which is easy with these rubber figures and grafted an old Robogear cannon. It wasn’t doing it for me so I moved the magazine and added a barrel to make a autocannon. The main weapon was reworked into some form of energy cannon using a cap off a tube of ointment. Cables or hoses made from greenstuff have been added. It’s basecoated ready for washes and detail.

The plan for this is to be some sort of dormant war machine in the ruins or to be a Behemoth class Immucyte for the Zone Raiders setting. 

I started this Gilgamesh figure by Ramshackle Games last year so I have been finishing him off. He doesn’t need much more. I plan on him being a derelict post apocalyptic cyborg or to be the head of my post apocalyptic cyborg clan. 

These two bikers by Ramshackle games are also in mid paint. I love all the cargo on the Lancer rider. It reminds me of going on camping trips or holidays on my motorbike (Lance not included!). 

Hopefully I will have some finished stuff to show in a couple of weeks. 

Thanks for looking

Take Care out there. 

Sunday, 1 January 2023

Happy New Year 2023

Happy New Year, may 2023 be a great year for you and your families. 

22 was a real rollercoaster of a year for us with great high points and quite a few very low points which includes the loss of my Dad and two aunties. There seems to have been a lot of arguing with officialdom about stupid changes the local council want to inflict on our street. Don’t get me started on the global shit show and the state of the U.K. 

Normally I would do a look back at the year hobby wise but this Christmas season has been uncommonly busy at a personal level and I haven’t had the time to do one.

I was going to draft out a 2023 hobby plan, but looking back at previous years I see that I stray off course early on in the year and end up doing something else. No plan survives past its first draft intact as they say. 

A quick overview of what I hope to achieve in 2023 is:

Continued expansion of my Mattblackgod’s World and Last City setting (there are plenty of new factions and terrain in the paint queue).

Further expansion of my Wild Galaxy setting. As above there are plenty of new faction ideas waiting for paint. I have some painted minis from Evilbay which I hope to get based and into the wild Galaxy.

I am slowly working on bits and background fluff for my Zone Raiders/Matrioshka setting. I am thinking I will need some rusty high tech terrain. There is some plans forming in my mind. One advantage is that it would happily fit my post apocalyptic setting. 

I have several sets of Fogou’s beautiful resin terrain to get painted which will fit various game settings. 

Stoneage project: A new project for me. A shaman and his/her tribe trying to save their world from a great evil. 

The siren call of 15mm keeps attracting me too. 15mm has great storage advantages of 28mm. My problem is getting rid of or selling my old 28mm models. I seem to get attached to them and always regret selling old figures and models on. 

Get some games in. It’s the centre point of this hobby after all and to be honest I haven’t had a game in a long while. None in 2022. I think I only got one game in during 2021. There are plenty of rulesets I want to try including a few with solo rules.

Thanks for reading. 

Stay safe, stay healthy and stay lucky out there.