
Sunday, 30 July 2023

The Bloody 40!

Hello and Welcome Back, 

Time to take a look at more starport scum. This is the crew of the Bloody Vengeance, a pirate vessel that is the flagship of the Bloody 40 pirate fleet. 

The Bloody Vengence is crewed by an oddball mix of Humans, Splitters (Humans additcted to Gene Modification), self aware rogue robots, a cyborg and a Squat. Typical Starport scum. 

The Bloody 40 began as a mutineer crew. In anger at the abuse of the crew by the captain and first mate the crew rose up. They beat the ship’s officers, stripped them and launched them in a life pod towards the nearest populated world. They then took the ship and upgraded it, remaining it the Bloody Vengeance. 

The rest of the Bloody 40 hang around space port bars collecting information and rumours on ships with abusive officers and captains. They then join the crew of the ship. It is fairly easy to join such a vessel as they tend to have a high turnover of crew. Some of the vessels arrive with less crew than they set out with. These hardened pirates wait until enough of the 40 have joined the ship. Then they lead a mutiny aboard the ship with the Bloody Vengeance lurking nearby to assist if necessary. 

The captured vessel is then stripped of cargo. The remaining loyal crew, officers and captain serve a similar fate to those of the first vessel the Bloody 40 rose up against. The remaining crew are given the vessel or asked to join the Bloody 40. 

The Bloody 40 are regarded as heroes by the abused ship’s crews around frontier space. Captains hate them and whisper their name in fear. Since the Bloody 40 attacks, crew treatment and conditions has improved vastly across the sector. 

Security chief McGroober, Captain Amos Fury, First mate Lino (splitter*)

*Splitter is a slang term for people who have willingly undergone Human Gene Manipulation. 

Gene Thugsbury, Amy Clunk (Cyborg) , Crew person Jane Nasty. 

Turtleo (splitter), assassin Trarg (splitter), Wez Vernons 

Krocadude (splitter), Trooper Gax Morgan, Sideeyes (splitter)

Bullet (gunslinger & sharphooter bot), Grimli (armoured squat), Trooper A3D3 (tactical military bot)

All figures are a mix of Rougestars (copplestone sculpts available from Northstar Miniatures) and Antediluvian Miniatures. 

The Bloody 40 was inspired by a weird bit of local history. "There is a reference in local history book from 1850s which details the Bloody Fourty's activities. Bloody Forty: forty seamen who together would ship as a crew aboard hell-ships, in order to turn the tables on rough bucko mates and masters (Hughill 1967: 89). 'A gang of feared Liverpool seamen who went by the name of "The Bloody Forty" (Lees 2013: 74)."

There is no other details about the Bloody 40 to be found. It makes me wonder what happened to them. I have found some sea shanty/folk music songs about them. Still this is my salute to the original Bloody 40.

Thanks for looking and stay safe out there.

Saturday, 29 July 2023

Tengun Renforcements.

Hello and Welcome Back.

 Some time ago I ordered the Void 2 starter set from Seb Games. The set was in a case with the rules to run a small skirmish using the Void rules. In the boxset was a Junker force and Viridian force.

As I already have a Junker force (used for the Tengun Empire in my Wild Galaxy setting) I decided these extra figures would be painted in the same colour scheme.

Exosuit is a nice addition, providing a power fist and chain gun. It should add some punch to the force (or become a bullet magnet).

The whole force so far.

In my pile of shame is a few sprues of original plastic Junkers. When I get to it I will add them to this force. Part of me is tempted to ditch the shotguns for assault rifles on a few, just to give the force more ranged and suppression options. Maybe a sniper would be a useful addition. So far due to weapon range limits (note not the Void rules but Skank or 40k RT) means the force has to hug terrain to get close. A couple of rapid fire weapons and a large empty table space will keep them at bay.

Thanks for looking, take care out there. 

Friday, 28 July 2023

Fogou's Stackable Shacks.

Hello and Welcome Back, 

Sometime last year I backed the Stackable Shacks kickstarter by Fogou Models. I thought they would fit perfectly with the Fogou Wasteland Fortress.

The Stackable shacks would work nicely for a Starport or futuristic mega city slum. Or real estate in a post apocalyptic city. To my mind such tall structures in a wasteland town would be for public utility or the wealthy. You need some way to show off an excess wealth of scrap.

The Stackable shacks come in one story blocks which can be stack to make No Where Near skyscrapers. Each level comes with a roof, so the towers could be broken down to single level buildings to make a entire town. Or figures can play inside each level.

Like all Fogou Models they are nicely detailed and cast in tough Jesmonite resin. The resin is a delight to paint and happily takes paint without primer. Although I would always advise priming.

Paradise Towers (aka the Barracks):

Every township needs a place for the wasteland warriors to rest up after a hard day's barbaric raiding. The paint scheme is similar to that used on the wasteland Fortress (link). I kept this one with just white metal panels.

The Radlight Hotel:
When you wander through a town and you need some place to rest up, then visit the Radlight Hotel. Comfortable beds. Radioactive bedbugs provided for free. Breakfast provided for extra. All forms of salvage accepted. I handpainted the sign on a bit of old gift card. 

The Hospital:
Been wounded out in the wastelands? Spent a little looking for salvage near that crater that glows in the dark? Then rush on down to Dr Wildethroat's Hospital. All manner of health problems looked at. Free tetanus or sepsis with every operation. The sign was hand painted on a old gift card. I thought a hospital would have some sort of signage to be seen from some distance away, so I painted some slap dash looking red cross signs.

The Warlord's Tower:

If you are the Warlord what better way to declare to the wasteland rabble you are the boss than a huge tower. For this tower I used 5 of the Stackable shack segments to make the tallest tower of the lot.

To my mind the tower needed a platform for the Boss to deliver his daily ranting and raving. So I added one knocked up from plastic card and bits of plastic box section. What's the point of ranting if the entire horde can't hear you? No Warlord wants to have gone hoarse when issuing vital orders or threats. The speakers and stage lamps came from a Ramshackle Games Speakers & Tartan Blast set (toy car scale range).

Of course every despotic Warlord needs a banner. I drew this by hand on paper and painted it. It is based loosely on the logo I designed for this Blog page.

I think I should make some stencils of the spikey radiation logo, I would look great sprayed on a motorbike tank or car door.

At some point I may add a flag pole and flags to the Boss tower in the future. Should I ever decide to increase the height of any of these towers all I have to do is order the right sized shack from Fogou (a future plan).

Here is a shot with all the models split to make lots of shacks. I haven't painted a lot of the floors yet as I didnt see a need because I plan to use the Stackable shacks as towers. I can't split them down to single story buildings as I have glued them together. 

A rumble breaks out in scrap city. 

Thanks for looking and get a room booked in the Radlight Hotel. 

Monday, 24 July 2023

The Boglanders of the Strontium Swamps

Hello and Welcome Back. 

Out in the Radioactive Strontium Swamps of Mattblackgod’s world lives a bunch of mutants called the Boglanders. 

The Boglanders are armed with a variety of firearms looted from a old part flooded military bunker found in the centre of the Strontium Swamps.

Some Boglanders carry old black powder weapons, loving the simplicity, noise and smoke these weapons make. 

The Strontium Swamps are so contaminated even the frogs are massively mutated. They are kept as both a food source and pets by the Boglanders. 

Hmmm what every Boglander needs for lunch, a bucket of nutritious worms. There is plenty of worms in the Swamps some of them are pretty huge. 

The Boglander figures are by Ramshackle games but haven't been released yet, they have been through a recent Kickstarter. Curtis kindly sent me a set with a recent order. I was going to try and get the figures and blog post up to help generate interest in the Kickstarter. Sadly things got away from me. Naturally I had to back the Kickstarter as this little mob needs reinforcements. 

The Boglander figures are a reimagining of the more classic goblin descriptions from myths and fairytale rather than the more popular modern goblin image that looks like a green skinned, big nosed malicious wing nut. 

Thanks for looking and take care out there.

Sunday, 23 July 2023

Warriors of the Wild Galaxy - Liberty

Hello and Welcome back. 

It is time to introduce a new faction to my Wild Galaxy setting. The Liberty cluster is a group of systems that are inspired by an old earth country. The nation has named it's systems,  worlds and stations after places and people from the legendry old earth nation known as the USA.

The main core of the Liberty forces are the Liberty Marines supported by the armoured shock marines. These figures are Viridians from the old Void line now sold by Seb Games. 

Armoured Shock Marine with power blades and shield.

Liberty's forces also employ special agents to assist in taking down objectives.

Due to the many different worlds Liberty's forces often have different uniforms. These local forces are often formed into volunteers brigades who support the Liberty Marine core.

These figures are from the Void 2.0 boxed set by Seb Games, which is a small skirmish variant of the old Void game. The Liberty faction is inspired by the Liberty faction in the old Freelancer 2 computer game. 

There are more figures to add to this faction, so keep your eyes open for future updates.

Thanks for looking and take care out there.

Behemoth Immunocyte for Zone Raiders.

Hello and Welcome Back.

Now we return to the world of Matrioshka, the post singularity setting of the Zone Raiders game. 

There are a few types of Immunocyte threats in the Matrioshka world of Zone Raiders. Some of the larger ones are known as behemoths. 

This is an example of a Behemoth. Armed with a autocannon, heavy plasma cannon and power axe. It hunts down all sentient life in the Matrioshka.

This model started as a DND Titan magical robot. The hammer arm was replaced with a weapon from a Robogear model. A cream tube cap made a new muzzel. The autocannon was built from a couple of bits of tubing and the muntion feed from the orignal Robogear model. Some power cables were made from greenstuff to finish off. 

As many Immunocyte in the Matrioshka are aeons old I went for a rusty paint job. I did attempt some object source lighting on the model but I don't think it worked too well. 

Thanks for reading and take care out there.

New addtions to the Wild Galaxy

Hello and Welcome Back

For a while now I have been doing the odd bit of hobby while plate spinning my real life. So to get me back into the blog posting habit here is a few random figure additions for my Wild Galaxy setting. 

The Assilimator:

The Assilimator is a weird alien creature (also known as the Anatonia noodle monster) first discovered by asteroid miners in the system 2706 Anatonia. The creature would appear silently from the darkness and grab its prey. The tactile like hairs entangle its prey and draw it closer to its maw allowing the Asslilmator to make its kill.

The Assilimator figure is by Antedivouian Miniatures.

The Prisoner:

A captured pirate, transport pilot or rebel pilot? This figure makes an ideal objective for those rescue missions. 

Those handcuffs look pretty sturdy. This is a Captive Fugative figure by Antedivouian Miniatures.

EVA suited crew member:

A EVA suited crew member out to repair the ship or maybe exploring this asteroid the ship is hiding on or possibly exploring that ancient alien wrecked star ship that won't have a hold of strange eggs of pretty lethal xeno bugs (honest!). 

This figure is a Gothic Void Engineer by Anvil Industry 

Combat Driod F1G47A:

F1G47A is a rogue combat droid that became self aware. It decided thst fighting for the cause it was built for was no longer worth it and F1G47A now operates around the spaceports of frontier space as a mercenary. F1G47A carries a combat power staff.

F1G47A is a rebased and repainted Clix figure.

Perry Trachett: 

Perry Trachett is an intrepid explorer and will be leading teams of explorers through the dangers of the post apocalyptic world. Although originally intended as a figure for Mattblackgod’s World, I also intend to use him as an explorer for (the nearly as dangerous) Maddans world in my Wid Galaxy setting (world background fluff to follow). 

The figure is a sergeant figure for the Iron Brothers range by Ramshackle games. I am not sure where the head came from. I chose an orange paint scheme for the figure. There seems to be using orange alot in my colour pallete of late. It is becoming a favourite colour to work with. The inspiration for the character came from the Late Sir Terry Pratchett as the figure's face kind of reminded me of my favourite author. Who else better to explore my worlds of imagination than a character inspired by a man who created Discworld?  

Thanks for reading and take care out there.

Sunday, 2 July 2023

Sorry, its been a while.

 Hello and Welcome Back,

It's been a while since my last blog post. Life has been pretty busy and chaotic. Work has been manic and has been made recently worse by half the team leaving. A similar thing happened in my previous role, maybe it's me? Needless to say I have been putting extra hours in trying to keep on top of the workload.

For some months now my Wife's medical deliveries and prescriptions have been chaotic and unpredictable with lots of essential items missing. This lead to the redeliveries tuning up just in time and often late at night or me chasing around pharmacies for vital medicines. I don't like talking about politics on here but the UK's National Health Service is on it's knees and the shambles that is brexit have made getting vitial supplies worse.

Just to add to the spice of life various computers and other bits of technology have been playing up lately leading to much head scratching and trying to remember passwords. Sadly my desktop computer appears to be going through the early stages of hard drive death, causing panic backups. 

Despite all this I have been getting a bit of hobby time in to combat all the stress encountered in day to day life. I have completed some Ramshackle games Boglanders (which Curtis kindly sent me in my last order pre Kickstarter), the Void 2 set has been painted (Junkers and Viridians) to be added to my various Wild Galaxy factions, the Fogou Stackle Shacks have been painted up (in my usual style I have added extra bits to them), A space pirate crew called the Bloody 40 (A mix of Copplestone Rouge stars and Antuovidan figures) and various Sci fi figures. Hopefully I can get some pictures and background text sorted soon, so some much needed blog posts can follow.

I have had a hankering to put a world into my Wild Galaxy setting which will allow all the factions to get into bother with each other but not end up in all out war. The plan is to have a unclaimed anarchic frontier world  that is rich in rare minerals attracting colonies and get rich quick prospectors from across the Galaxy.

The fluff is still in draft and needs rewriting. But it has caused new ideas for the setting to pop into my head.

The odd trip out has also inspired some other ideas which I hope to post up in future.

Thanks for reading. With a bit of luck some posts will pop up here soon. Keep watching.

Take Care out there.