A Wargames, miniature and model making blog of a demented mad man. My stuff is mostly 28mm post Apocalyptic 20mm Post apoc &15mm Sci-Fi.
Sunday, 9 December 2012
My Liebster Awards go to......
Okay so its my turn to pass along some Liebster Awards and as usual I am late to the party but I want that warm fuzzy feeling!!! The Awards are meant to call attention to blogs that haven't built up a critical mass of readers but produce compelling original content.
A key stipulation for new award recipients is to pass along the Liebster Award to a few additional blogs that really aught to be read by more people. So here is mine....enjoy!
Chicago Skirmish Wargamers: A great blog producing some nice miniatures, tutorials and terrain that I find very inspiring. After reading their content I am dying to dive in to the model making room to produce new madness. They cover a variety of genres and there is plenty of game reports with fabulous eyecandy. Great stuff guys keep it up!!!
Colonel O'Truth's Miniature Issues: A great blog that is 28mm VSF. The Colonel has some very inspiring conversions and scratch builds. It is a delight to read his blog. It makes me want to more VSF stuff. Colonel I salute you!
Terrain for Hippos: Terrain for Hippos is a blog run by Pudding Wrestler Industries who is a prolific Terrain builder. There is some delightful terrain inspirations and tutorials on this blog covering 15mm and 28mm in many genres. You can spend hours pouring over this blog. Nice work guys keep it up.
Neutron York 3000: This blog has been set up by the creator of Golgo Island and promotes the Neutron York 3000 set of rules. While the rules and characterful miniatures may not be to everyones tastes there is some very pretty table top eye candy for fans of post apocalyptic wargaming (or just wargaming in general). Sylvain’s creations many moons ago inspired Mattblackgod’s world. Sir Yer Warlord Salutes you!
Xander’s Wargaming Musings: This blog covers all Gothic Horror, Post Apocalyptic, Cold War and Moderns in 28mm and 20mm scales. There is plenty of reviews, thoughts and reference materials here to keep you thinking. Xander has some nice post game reports too on pretty tables. Xander’s work also inspired my other British Post Apocalyptic setting. Great stuff, keep it up.
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