
Sunday, 15 September 2013

Spure Cutters Union #8: My world in Scale.

This weeks Sprue Cutters Union theme is my world in Scale - or how does your hobby effect your day to day life? 

Like the other members of the Sprue Cutters I at first thought it didn't. But then I took a step back and a long hard look at myself. 

Firstly my hobby is not just the model making element. It includes figure collecting, painting and converting. There is also a story element to my hobby as I create background stories for the Characters and Worlds I am creating. I am always looking for ways to build great looking table visually. 

For instance this game shot has a mix of resin terrain, toy playsets, model accessories and terrain made from junk. 

The same goes for this game shot. 

When wondering about I often spot something that may be used as a Sci-Fi building or other item. I am guilty of collecting all manner of junk to process into models. 

Bits of old pens can be weapons, motors, industrial junk or the hull of a star ship. The same goes for other items. Cheap Razor blade handles, plastic gift cards, Pringles tubes, plastic tubs, cardboard packaging, polystyrene packaging ...the list is endless. 

Junk such as this....

Or this...

The hobby has made me stop looking at mundane items and start looking at its potential in the various scales I work in. It has also made me a horder of such junk although I try to chuck stuff out if it hasn't been used with a 12 month period. I say I try. 

When dead electronics turn up I am straight into them. Ripping out bits that can be used in a model. They are great for coils, small cogs and other items. However I must warn you to take care, I am a Electrical and Electronic Engineer so I know what I am looking at. 

Always follow safety precautions when dismantling electrical or electronic items. There are items that can hold charge even after it has been unplugged. 

When I am out and about I keep an eye open for cheap toys that can be converted into something for the table. Thankfully I have not yet succumb to mugging small children for toys. That's is where I draw the line and will go seek help. 

At work in those moments when boredom sets in I find myself thinking about the Characters, the backgrounds, histories and other details to bring the hobby to life. Or I am staring at the meeting table thinking "I could make a awesome games table out of this!!" 

When out and about I find myself trying to take in detail of the buildings around me. The wear and tear.  The weathering. If I have a camera I take pictures. I often find myself dreaming of making them in scale.  One day I actually built a model inspired by a place I worked at....

When I have time I one day hope to walk along the Docks of Liverpool taking pictures for inspiration (I blame them on my passion for industrial buildings). 

I find myself trawling urban exporlation sites such a 28 Days Later for inspiration on old ruined buildings. 

So yes, I am a addict to the hobby and it effects my waking life. I love it and dont care! *pulls tongues*

Thanks for reading...

Being part of the union means you must include links to fellow contributors' posts within your own response. If you liked this post, then perhaps you'll enjoy what some other modelers have to say about this topic!

The Combat Workshop

Scale Model Workbench

Migrants Wanderings

The Eternal Wargamer

Yet Another Plastic Modeller
Finally, if you would like to join the Union, look here. All you need is a blog and a passion for the miniature modelling and collecting hobby. The Union Members are a varied bunch with a broad range of hobby experience, so we all have something interesting to bring to the table, regardless of our hobby background.

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