
Friday, 11 October 2013

Sprue Cutters #12 - I like what I like.

This weeks Sprue Cutters topic is a simple one......
I like what I like.
So what do I like?? I could go on about the things I like beyond the hobby but I suspect that everyone will start to avoid me thinking I am some sort of deranged weirdo. So I will talk about the hobby. Kind of....
For me I like my subjects to be of a mainly Post Apocalyptic or Sci Fi vein. Oddly I outgrew fantasy when I was a teenager. It has never really appealed to me since. Victorian Sci Fi and Steampunk genres also appeal with some of my collection being in this genre.  
 I like the freedom to be creative in my chosen genres. Letting my imagination run wild. Beyond the figures my building tends to be as inspiration hits. That kit or toy I have in storage would make a great terrain piece or vehicle. That bit of junk destined for the land fill (or in these enlightened times - the recycling) would make a great building.
I have created all manner of models in this manner. 1:3000 scale star ships, Buildings, Ruin, battle cars, vehicles and more this way. I am sure that some people view me as a Dr Frankenstein figure cackling and ranting as I dismember a toy or kit for my latest creation! 
In the early days I found my terrain pieces followed an industrial or ruined theme. I have a love of abandoned industrial sites and ruins. This is sometimes reflected in my model building. I grew up in the recessions on the 70's and 80's in Liverpool. There was lots of abandoned buildings, factories and industrial sites back then. My home city still sports some cool looking industrial buildings around the docks. It seems that this may have inspired my models over the years. It may even help my interests in Victorian Sci-Fi & Steampunk as Liverpool mixes Georgian through to modern buildings often side by side. I wonder how many other Sprue Cutters are inspired by where they grew up or live?
But I came from a model making background originally and  before my mind was warped by Sci Fi (I was lost before I discovered 40K back in '87when I figured out how the space ships & bases where built in certain TV shows) I used to build all manner of kits and dioramas. I still like kits and I have my loves.
So if I was still kit builder where would my tastes lie?
 I like Aircraft but I have real love of WW2 aircraft. Maybe the Battle Of Britain Flights flying low over our house as a kid left a image in my brain. I still love the sound of a Merlin engine. Like other Sprue Cutters I also have a soft spot for the 1950's fighter jets. They have a certain classic style.
Armour is another favourite with me. I like mainly  WW2 stuff here. I am not sure why. Russian cold war vehicles have a certain appeal too.
I love Muscle cars too. I suspect that I would have a few 1:24 kits....that's if I managed to resist Mad Max-ing them.


Part of being in the Union means you must include links to fellow contributors' posts within your own response. If you liked this post, then perhaps you'll enjoy what some other modelers have to say about this topic!
The Combat Workshop
Martin's Bench Corner
Yet Another Scale Modeller
Scale Model Soup
Fill 'n Sand
Migrant's Wanderings
The Eternal Wargamer

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1 comment:

  1. Nice post! I've been into aircraft for a long time, thanks in most part to my father, who likely inspired me through the endless hours of flight simulator games he would play on his PC while I sat on his lap. I remember he would always let me hit the Weapons Release switch when he got a proper lock. It was a lot of fun. Time spent watching movies like Top Gun also made an impression on me.
