
Monday, 30 December 2013

Happy New Year...Nearly.

I hope Dear Reader that you had a good Christmas - assuming of course that you celebrate it. If you don't I hope you had a good few days. As anyone who knows me will be able to tell you I am a fan of the dark time of year.

As the hustle and bustle dies down I find some time to update this blog. I hope Santa was good to you and you got some nice goodies. I was a lucky boy and got some very nice gifts. My lovely wife got me...


I am looking forward to getting the figures made up and painted not to mention playing the game. My good lady is also interested in playing. Hopefully the new year will bring some reviews and game reports to my humble blog. As if that isn't enough she got also got me....

1/48 Gloster Gladiator kit.

This is a nice kit and comes with the Finnish markings and skids too. I am thinking it may make a good scout vehicle for my  Frozen Wastelands. My Lady also got me...

1/100 BA10 Soviet Armored Car Kit

This little gem will be used for my 15mm Sci Fi colonials. They need a little fire-support. It should be fun to make & convert. 

As if I wasn't lucky enough. My Sister in Law got me something good  hobby wise too...

Wargames Factory Zulu War British. I suspect my Good Lady had something to do with prompting this gift. I am a lucky man. These figures will bolster the British Thin Red Line on Mars in my VSF/Steampunk setting with a little converting. Goggles and revolver drums will be added to the rifles. One or two may get a face mask added. Some figures may even be used for my future Free Irish faction that I have planned. 

On top of this I have found a fair bit of materials to make more Sci Fi buildings and other gubbings. 

It looks like the plan for the coming  year have changed. I want to get the Dreadball teams made up. Work on my new Wastelands factions will commence. Many of the bodies for the Republic of Dan/Wasteocrates will be used from current mini collection. Another game for me to concentrate on is my Jugger teams. I would also like two make some Jetbikes for a Jet Bike racing game idea. 

The Sci Fi city and Frontier World buildings will be getting added too. I have a few bits of terrain in construction so I hope to display them soon. 

Well that's it. 2013 has been a year of ups and downs for me. Many lessons have been learnt and I hope that 2014 will be a good year for me. I start a new job too which I am looking forward too. 

I doubt that I will find the time to update my blog before the year dies. So I would like to offer you all a Very Happy and Prosperous New Year!! May 2014 bring you every happiness. 

Very Best Wishes to you All!! 

What miniatures for the Great Lakes Factions?

My mind has all been a flutter for what figures to use for the Great Lakes forces in my new Post Apoc setting. I have been tempted by the Ramshackle Iron Brothers minis for the army of Great Lakes. Sadly funds will be short this year so 2014 is looking to be another Frugal year. 

In the figure pile I have a mix of WW2 to modern figures in the collection awaiting painting. Mainly USA and British. So I will be converting away I expect. 

After digging through the minis piles there may be other options available to me. I have come up the following military style figures to use for great lakes: 

1:- Mix of WW2 to Modern figures (American & British) with some converting. I have a handful of Warzone plastic Imperial Trenchers which will do for elite forces. This will give a Fallout NV NCR style force with a ramshackle look to them (mix of equipment & kit). This would make a pretty decent sized force.

2:- GW 40k IG. Mix the plastic Cadains & Catchains I have unpainted. Add some SM Scouts for elite forces. The downside of this is that this force would be a little too high tech looking in feel for what I want.

3:- GW 40 Tallarns:- I have a handful of Tallarns in the pile. They make great wasteland looking warriors. They are a bit limited in numbers to make a full force (cash flow is not at the minute). Although they could make a good scout or long range wasteland squad for another force.

4:- Combat Zone Plastics:- I have 10 plastic CZ warriors still on the Sprue and a pile painted unused from my CZ days. Head & weapon swaps with Warlord WW2 to make infantry. They would then have body armor that doesn't look too high tech. Maybe use the gangers (I have 15 of them unpainted) like Themightyflip over on the Post Apoc Wargames form has with old Necromunda figures, as a Milita force. Again weapon & head swaps would make them look the part. Maybe use the WZ Trenchers as the elite force. I would need a distinctive look to make the army look uniform but rag tag.

5:- Mix the ideas in 4 and 3. 

I was thinking of adding a large patch to the shoulders of the figures in maybe blue or another color (Great Lakes will use white and blue in the flag). 

Then again a faction with the industrial capacity to produce ammunition and limited amounts of firearms would be able to produce uniforms. Or at least dye old uniforms to make a uniform looking force. Brown would be a good choice or perhaps grey? Black has a certain intimidation factor.

The other option is to go for a bright color. Modern forces go for camouflage and drab colors to protect the soldiers. However bright colors are easy to make as uniforms from Napoleonic and earlier eras prove. Would a Wasteland force fighting tribals and scavengers need camo? Bright colors would have a certain psychological advantage. 

What do you think? All ideas welcome. 

Sunday, 22 December 2013

Terrain Bits n Bobs provided by the season!

Welcome once again to my blog. Today I will be exploring a seasonal topic. The silly season is upon us and hobby time is becoming slim....unlike Father Christmas or me for that matter.

Assuming that you have been good you will hopefully get a load of nice miniatures and kits. Or if you have been bad,you have sent Santa the black mail note and on Boxing day a group of Black Ops Ninja Elves have stormed your home liberating a badly photoshopped picture of Santa and Rudolph in a compromising position. Hey I try it every year! Those Elves are lighting quick. Santa also seems to dodge the Santa traps I set up too. I think I need to lay off the eggnog and cheesy Xmas movies!  

Now of course you will need some terrain for your new table top forces to fight around. Any one who is into the Wargaming scene knows how expensive that can be. There is plenty of stuff out there at this time of year to make terrain from cheaply. All it takes is a little practise and imagination. Lots of  these items are just laying about and waiting to be thrown out. You will be the brave liberator saving them from the rubbish heap! I shall now list some of things you can find and what you can use them for.

First a rule – always ask permission to take or use stuff even if it is going into the bin. People find our hobby strange as it is without acting in a creepy and insane manner. Plus you don’t want to get into trouble for stealing.

Oh – a tip! When asked to explain in routing in the rubbish asking/begging for items tell them that you are working on a Art piece built from recycled materials. Its easier than explaining that you want to make a model so your toy soldiers can fight over it! It can lead to long conversations with relatives looking puzzled or for a quick exit.

Strap in dear readers, this could be a bumpy sleigh ride!

Artificial Christmas Trees

Last year's old tree is getting replaced. Before it goes to the landfill go check it out. Often there is realistic bits. Trim the branch ends off with some clippers. They make great model trees. Some trees have realistic tips. Just take them off and you have a instant forest after gluing them to bases

Battery Operated LED lights
There are a lot of £1 battery operated lights out in the stores this year. Now you are asking what the eggnog?? Well these guys can be butchered and added to models to make realistic looking lights. Now before you go mad go and read a few articles on what to do. Sites like Terragensis carry articles on how to wire LEDs into models.

Blister Packaging
Now lots of things come in sealed blister packs that are near impossible to get into. Often you have cut the item out. Keep this clear plastic. It is handy for using as a paint tray, making glass windows or even plastic card.

Broken Toys
Come New Year there will be many broken children's toys out there headed for land fill. Check them out. Many toys have bits that can be used or recycled into something for the table top. Make sure you ask before you liberate these items. You don’t want a reputation as a grinch.

Cheap Toys
This is the time of year that the thrift stores are filled with cheap toys. You can buy up a variety of items to use as terrain or tanks/vehicles.

Christmas Cards
Christmas has passed and you and your loved ones have a pile of greeting cards to go to the tip. Now the fronts of these may have sticky jewels or other decorative items that can be used on your models. The backs can be used for model making. Many of my models use thin card.

Christmas Ornaments
If your family follows trends they may replace decorations regularly or your family may want to replace others. Grab these as many are usable for terrain. Don't neglect the old tree decorations either. Many are buildings others may be used for other things such as planets. At worst they can be cannibalised into something else.

Cocktail Sticks
So you are hanging around the Buffet filling up on grub. There in front of you is a party treat designed by Vlad the Impaler. Stuff stuck on a wooden stick. Help yourself to stuff and eat your fill. Keep the sticks. They are handy for making fences, pinning bits of polystyrene and the all important Punji Stakes to impale those dungeon explorers.

Corrugated Cardboard
Often at this time of year someone gets some new white goods or a BIG gift. These often come in cardboard boxes. This is handy for making building, ruins and other stuff. I often use it as basing material and I have built roads out of it. The issue is that it can warp. Layer it so that the corrugations on the layers run in opposite directions. It helps build the strength.

Drinking Straws
You often get drinking straws when out and about. So keep them. They are ideal for making pipes.

Drinks Stirrers
You often meet friends at fast food places and coffee shops. These places often have wooden or plastic stirrers. Grab a few. Wooden sticks can be used for making fences or flooring. Plastic stirrers can be used as struts, detail, aerials, sign posts and more. I have even though of using them as a base for building 1/3500 scale star ships.

Food Packaging

This is the time for feasting. Plastic food tubs/trays often make great a basis for Sci-Fi buildings. They can be flimsy so use PVA glue and paper in layers internally. It takes time but it does stiffen them up a treat. The other use is for mixing trays.

Foil mince pie trays make great craters. Larger foil trays can be used to mix coloured plaster in. Let it set and then break it up – instant Rubble scatter for your ruins!

Gift Boxes
This time of year the shops are filled with unusual shaped gift boxes of various sizes. They are cheap to buy and make great starting point for a building.

Gift Cards
The joys of the plastic gift card. When you have used it, then what? You have a plastic card! I have used them many times in my models.

LED Tea Lights
Like the LED lights there is also LED Tea Lights that flicker like a real flame. Handy if you have young children or animals. These can be reused as fires or other items. Again check out online for guides on how to use them.

Lollipop Sticks.
If you have a sweet tooth you can stock up on these or you can wait until the kiddies have finished eating their's. Or you can just buy them from the craft store. These come in both plastic and paper. They make great posts or pipes.

Plastic Cutlery
Many parties have plastic cutlery at the buffet. No one wants a load of drunks with sharp metal objects running about or they don’t want the best silver vanishing into the pockets of that dodgy relative. Plastic cutlery can be used for all manner of things such as struts, girders, detail and other things such a cockpit canopies. Help in the post party clean up and score lots of plastic goodies. You may also score some brownie points which never hurts.

Pressed Cardboard Packaging.
Many items come in Eco Friendly Pressed Cardboard Packaging. These are great for making buildings on frontier worlds. The pressed card looks like old de-laminating concrete. Like the plastic tubs they will need re-enforcing with PAV and paper. I have made many buildings like this this year.

Polystyrene Packaging.
The other popular packaging material is Polystyrene. It is also popular with model makers too. Often then will need sealing with PVA glue. Some textured paint and details and you can make all manner of buildings and ruins with it.

Real Christmas Trees.
If your family is like mine, you will love a real tree at Yule time. Come new year they go to recycling or the fireplace. Now look closely at the branches. Remove those needles that still remains. Clip bits for logs or dead trees. Some bits make great alien trees.

Snow Mat
Every store sell this at this time of year. Or so it seems. Snow mats are for making Seasonal scenes with those decorations. Now they are good for gaming too but I found the fleece material often makes the figures fall over. But dear Gamer all is not lost. Glue it to your gaming boards. Give it an coat of PVA glue and there you go. Frozen wasteland.

Spray Snow
The instant way to decorate your home. Okay I have never used it for modelling. Put a layer of PVA glue on your board. Spray the spray snow on. Let it dry for 24 Hours. Put a couple of layers of watered down PVA glue on the spray snow to seal it. Hopefully it will make a good durable Snow Board.

Sweet/Chocolate Wrappers
Ahh the joys of the season. Lots of sweets & chocolates. Now stop. Look at the wrappers. They are often made from coloured foil or cellophane. They are great for making model fires or other coloured glass.

Walk in Nature.
After all that feasting you may feel the need for a walk to aid the digestion. Go to your local park or out into nature if its close enough. Why? Mother Nature is a store house for modelling materials. Twigs for making logs or trees, Small stones for rocks, Litchen for bushes and pine cones for making alien trees. There has been a few fantasy dioramas that have used Acorn cups or Chestnut husks as drums or crows nests.

Wrapping Paper
After the Christmas day there is tons of this stuff heading for landfill or recycling. Grab it. It can be used to re-enforce those plastic tubs or make paper mache hills.

That's the list, it is by no means exhaustive. I am sure you will find more items to use.

Hopefully you will have blagged some great items to make terrain with come the new year. Good for your pocket and it helps save the planet by recycling some old items. Of course I realise that I may get hate mail or death threats when your significant other/room mates/parents when they realise that I am responsible for you hoarding junk. But for our Art it's a sacrifice I am willing to make!! ;-)

Finally I Wish you a your family a Very Happy Christmas and a Prosperous New Year.

Best Wishes!!

Sunday, 8 December 2013

Republic of Mad Dan Vs Great Lakes Background.

*T-Graph Transmission from Outpost 45 to Great Lakes City Command*
++ Scouts have returned from the mountains to the North. They have finally found a pass through the mountains. Initial recon shows evidence of winter survival shelters. Please advise++
*T-Graph Transmission from Great Lakes City Command to Outpost 45*
++Permission granted to scout out the pass and the report inital findings of lands on the other side of the mountains. This is a priority order++

2 weeks later....

*T-Graph Transmission from Outpost 45 to Great Lakes City Command*
++ Scouts have returned. It has taken three days to traverse the pass. The pass is hard going and will be difficult on anything but foot. There is evidence of Survival shelters all along the pass. Possibly used by local hunters. No sightings or recent evidence of Human population. Lots of interesting animals in the mountains which could be exploited for game hunting. There appears to be desolate wastelands beyond the mountains. Old vehicle tracks have been found so there is possible Human occupation. In the three days in the Wastelands no Human contact has been made. There are many dangerous beasts in these lands. On returning through the pass the Scouts have reported that there will be difficulties in fitting a T-Graph route through the mountains. End of Report++
*T-Graph Transmission from Great Lakes City Command to Outpost 45*
++Convoy will be dispatched to Outpost 45. Convoy ETA with Outpost 45 - 3 weeks. Outpost 45 will provide the Scouts to cross the Mountains. The mission is to settle the new lands before the winter hits.++
*T-Graph Transmission from Outpost 45 to Great Lakes City Command*
++Commander Ponga of Outpost 45 advises that the expedition into the new lands be delayed until the following spring. It is too late in the year and the passes will be closed soon. The new outpost will be isolated until spring++
*T-Graph Transmission from Great Lakes City Command to Outpost 45*
+Negative. The expedition is to go ahead. The new outpost will have to endure until the Spring. Adequate provisions will be supplied+

3 Weeks Later...

*T-Graph Transmission from Outpost 45 to Great Lakes City Command*
++The expedition convoy has arrived safely at Outpost 45. They will be traversing the mountains in the morning.++

1 week later

*T-Graph Transmission from Outpost 45 to Great Lakes City Command*
++Some of the Scouts have returned, the others have remained with the Expedition. The Scouts have reported that the Expedition has arrived at a suitable site and construction of Outpost 112 has begun. Lt Meers has command. The Scouts report some attacks by wild mutant beasts but nothing that couldn't be dealt with.++

2 Weeks later....

*T-Graph Transmission from Outpost 45 to Great Lakes City Command*
++Laying of the T-Graph cables has been delayed as winter has hit the mountains. The pass cannot be traversed. 2 engineers where lost in the blizzard conditions. They are assumed to be dead. Outpost 112 is completely cut off. We wish them good luck++
Lt Meers Log - Outpost 112
The Scouts have returned the pass is closed. We are isolated from Great Lakes City. Here, alone in these Wastes. Our supplies should last if we are careful. There is plenty of (hostile) wildlife here. We can add to our provisions by hunting. We have scouted locally and found some resources. There is some evidence of humans here but there has still been no contact.

1 week later.

Lt Meers Log - Outpost 112
The temperature is dropping here. It is getting colder by the day. Several of our long range scouts have not yet returned. The other scouts have reported several large beasts hunting them. It is possible that they have fell. We are sending patrols out to try to find them.

3 days later.

Lt Meers Log - Outpost 112
Several of the missing scout's remains have been found. It looks like something has eaten them. I have put the men on full alert in case this beast comes here. Hopefully our defences and numbers will keep the beast at bay.
2 days later
Lt Meers Log - Outpost 112
The last scout has returned. He was delirious with dehydration. He claims that he saw a smoke column far to the north but couldn't get close. A pack of wild dogs attacked him and he was forced to return. We will be sending a emissary with some provisions and armed guards to try to make contact. It may just be a hunters settlement. In our isolation I hope that these people will be friendly. Hostile locals will make our mission a lot more difficult.

1 Week Later - The Mound - The Warlord's Shack....

"Boss, there is a man at the gate with a couple of guards!" Dragon exclaimed.
Warlord Mad Dan looked up. "Tell him we have one!" Dragon grinned.
"He claims he is here as a ally. He is from some place called Great Lakes. He wants to be friends. Tinker has a bead on him"
"Never heard of it. Bring him into the main hall. Tell the boys to be ready in case his friends decide to get playful." Mad Dan ordered and then returned to shaving his head with a combat knife.
Later that day - The Main Hall - The Mound...
Warlord Mad Dan settled into a old armchair fitted to the roof of a truck cab that made up the far wall. He looked at the man standing before him. He appeared calm despite the Warlord's warriors lining the walls.
"Well?" the Warlord growled. He was feeling hospitable today.
"I am here as emissary of the City of Great Lakes. I came from our new Outpost on the edge of your lands. We seek to trade and be friends."
"City? As in civilisation?" the Warlord asked.
"Oh yes. Civilisation. We have come back from the ashes. The have industry, bankers, politicians and more. The very sign of civilisation. We sir will bring you with us"
"Bankers? Politicians?" The Warlord Growled. "My Granpappy told me that Bankers and Politicians where the cause of the fall. It angered the Matt Black God and he rained death upon the ancients!"
"Nonsense sir!" Seeing he was losing him the emissary reached into his pouch. Several warriors reached for their weapons. The Emissary passed a tin to the Warlord.
"What is it?" he asked suspiciously.
"Why its Spam sir!" the Emissary exclaimed with pride his chest inflating.  
"Spam? SPAM?" the Warlord roared. He nodded to a figure in the shadows. Dragon stepped into the light and a blade flashed cleaving the Emissaries' head from his shoulders. The Emissaries' body dropped to the floor. Quickly the guards where overpowered and disarmed.
"I hate bloody spammers!" the Warlord growled to the amusement of the assembled warriors. "Some one get rid of that!" he ordered pointing at the body.
"Rych,come here. Return that head to this Outpost. Deliver it with a message from me!" Rych picked the head up and stared into its eyes.
"Cor he has real beady eyes don't he boss?" he laughed carrying it out of the hall by the hair.
"Tinker - get them prisoners to work. We need to have new Outhouses built seeing as Harvey blew them up! If you prisoners work hard you will be released one day. Annoy me and you will be dancing in the mutant pits. They don't get to eat often"
"Harvey - go find some vicious Rad Roaches...we need new ones seeing as you cooked them!"

1 Week Later...

Lt Meers Log - Outpost 112
A man arrived today asking to see the Boss. I guessed he was talking about me. The man looked wild and dressed in animal furs. Still at least he was warm. He delivered to me the head of our Emissary, poor Sully. The man claimed his name was Rych and his Boss (a Warlord Mad Dan) has a message. Great Lakes are to leave these lands or we are dead. I told the man of our predicament. He laughed and said "then you are dead". I tried to arrest this Rych character. He claims his Warlord has the two guards. If he doesn't return they are dead. I cannot allow this. I let Rych go telling him that I would like to parley with his Boss. He just cackled insanely.
With this new information I have put the Outpost on high alert. Double Guard and patrols. I wish we could get a message to Great Lakes, but the Scouts tell me that there is no way through the pass.

Naming the Wastelands!!

As regular followers of my humble blog will know, I have been running a ideas post over on the Post Apoc Wargames forum to get some interaction going and get some suggestions for the names of the main factions in this new wasteland. The new wastes are going to be inspired by the (sometimes strange) things discussed over on the Post Apoc Wargames forum over the last few years. It is a salute to a forum & some of the wonderful people I have met online there in the last few years of running the forum.
From past experience the members of Post Apoc Wargames Forum are not big on voting, so I have taken some time to mull over the suggested names.  We have some winners. The suggested names to date are:
The Warlord’s settlement/fortress:
The Mound - By wiggles
The Oil Pan - by Tinker
New Hope - by Rych
Boneyard by Rych
The Fortress of Rust by Rych
Black God Forge Fortress by nasa911
The Smog Pits by TheMightyFlip
Doom by MBG
Dregsville by MBG
Fortress of Skulls by MBG
Fortress of Bones by MBG
New Anarchy by MBG
New Heaven by harveywallbanger
The Last Stop by harveywallbanger
The Wastelands they inhabit:
The Sump - By wiggles
The Sump Basin - By Tinker
Usanduk - By Rych
The Republic of Dan by Rych
No Go Zone by Rych
The Desert of Ashes by Slayer Dragonwing
The Devils Oasis by Rych
Heaven & Hell by Hollander
Insanity Sands by nasa911
The Forlorn Wastes by MBG
The Desolation by MBG
The Nowhere by MBG
The Great Nothing by harveywallbanger
The names of the city/civilisation:
The Resurgency - By wiggles
shittip - by Rych
Fear hole by Heavyfishcannon
Kingdom of Mercy by Rych
Land of the Callies by Rych
The New Wall by Rych
Insanity Sands freeman by nasa911
Great Lakes by MBG
Civilisation by MBG
Polis by MBG
The Western Alliance by MBG
The Knights of Yooza and Ukk by harveywallbanger
Places in the Wastelands:
Moramarth’s Morass – a septic sump into which all the pollution and poisons drain. by Moramarth
Ol Greggs lair - A wasteland legend.
Paps of St Milla - a couple of low hills where mutants fear to tread - by the Warlord
Dirty Meg's Slag hole by heavyfishcannon
Dirty Meg’s brothel - by Tinker
Ross' Shed of Boobs - By Rych
Dawgie's Caverns by MBG
Baddawg Mountain by MBG
Hacienda Pudenda by Moramarth
Mr Cleans Bath House by Rych
The Dawg Howse - by Sykoholic
Rusty Hole by MBG
Cheesy Crack by MBG
S**t Creek by Tinker
Shady Sand's Trading Post by Shady13
Coober Pedy by Warlord Paul (on blogger)
Colcors by Warlord Paul (on blogger)
Bostop by Warlord Paul (on blogger)
Old Clinik by Warlord Paul (on blogger)
Servstation by Warlord Paul (on blogger)
Disneland by Warlord Paul (on blogger)
Woolmarket by Warlord Paul (on blogger)
And the Winning Names are:
The Warlords Fortress/Town: The Mound – by Mr Wiggles. This seems to be the best name seeing as the place anyone would use as a defendable position would be a hill or mound.
The Wastelands: The Republic of Dan – by Rych. I think this would be a good name the Warlords people would call the area. In general the land will simply be known as the Wastes, like everywhere else on MBW. It may even be called the Wastelands of Dan by the Wastelanders. 
The Name of the city/civilisation: This was a difficult one for me to choose from. All the names suggested do not fit the city faction in my mind. They are too scrappy & rough n ready for a shining beacon of civilisation in the wastes. So I will be going with a suggestion of my own. As the city is on a lake I am going to use Great Lakes as its name.
Wiggles & Rych will be added to the mini warband. I hope to find some minis to use as them.
Mattblackgod's world is a big place. Much of it is unchartered. The other name suggestions will be used to populate new parts of the wasted lands of MBW.
Thankyou everyone for giving me suggested names for the new Wastelands and taking part in my madness.
And now....time to start writing up the background stories and fluff.

Sprue Cutters Union 20 - The Wish List...

Welcome once again dear readers to my blog. I missed the last SCU post.
This week's Sprue Cutters Union asks the seasonal question....What do you want?
Well the silly season is here. For me all hobby activity stops as I get ready to celebrate. It gets a little manic. Still I have managed to set the man cave up the year so I can do  a little bit of model making here and there. Mind you that is still very much WIP in there.
Although I am a Pagan I still celebrate the season and the many pagan aspects of the holiday. My holidays are filled with the same fun and games as others. Food, families, friends, cards, gifts, parties and decorating with all the things that go with these. In addition I celebrate the Winter Solstice, which is a quiet time for me. Difficult in a world that seems to want to party.
Like other modellers out there I consider myself pretty easy to buy for. Any kit has bits in it I can use for a conversion or terrain. As I model in 28mm (1/56 ish) and 15mm (1/100) most scales can be used. The same applies to figures. I like Sci Fi, Victorian Sci Fi/Steampunk and Post Apoc. One of the great things about Post Apocalyptic is any figures can be used. A little conversion work you have a great bunch of new figures. All it takes is a little imagination. I have used historical and fantasy figures in my conversions in the past. This can be really rewarding. Another nice aspect of the hobby is if you have already got the figures or kits in your collection its not a big deal. It gives to a chance to grow your armies or convert.
My family sometimes buys me kits and other hobby stuff. My wife is a real star buying me stuff she finds on Amazon or Games Workshop. Paint, Brushes, Figures & Models. Sadly she doesn't visit the other wargames vendors I like to visit online. She even gets me stuff she thinks I would like to convert. As I say she is a real star.
As this is a want list I think I should go a bit "I Want" like the proverbial spoilt child. So what do I want Father Christmas to leave me on the 25th?
4. Mantic's Dreadball. I have always fancied a sports game. When Mantic brought out Dreadball I was drooling as its a Sci Fi game.
3. Lead Adventure Miniatures. LAM makes some great Post Apoc and VSF figures. I have a couple of blisters of figures from LAM. They are characterful and great to paint. I have never had enough spare cash to buy them. So dear Santa.....pleeeeeeasssssseeeeee!!
2. Scavenge Skirmish Survive Figures by Miniature Mojo. These are great Frozen Post Apoc figures set here in the UK (hence the lack of firearms). They also make some nice additions such as dogs, scenery and vac formed building parts.
1. Big box of tank kits. For a long long time I have wanted to build a Sci Fi tank armoured company in 28mm. So a bunch of 1/48 or 1/35 tank kits would go a long way to starting this.
So that's it...there is much much more I could add but I don't want to be greedy.
Dear Santa, I have been a good boy all year....and I know where you live!!
If you like this post, you should check out what the other Sprue Cutters have to say about this.

Yet Another Plastic Modeller
Migrant's Wanderings
The Eternal Wargamer
The Combat Workshop

Remember, all it takes is a passion for this hobby and a blog to go along with it! All you have to do is write a post in response to this topic by Sunday and you can be a member of the Sprue Cutters Union. Take a look at the
Sprue Cutters Union page for more detail. Once you've written your post, either email me the link or drop the link in the comment section below.
The goal is to send new readers to our sites, so don't forget to include the links to other modelers' responses when you get an opportunity. Feel free to grab the badge!
Spread the word.
Join the Union

Tuesday, 3 December 2013

The suggested names of for the new wastelands.

I have been running a ideas post over on the Post Apoc Wargames forum to get some interaction going and get some suggestions for the names of the main factions in this new wasteland. The new wastes are going to be inspired by the (sometimes strange) things discussed over on the Post Apoc Wargames forum over the years. It is a salute to a forum & some of the wonderful people I have met online there in the last few years of running the forum.

Here is a list of the suggested names we have come up with so far.

The Warlord’s settlement/fortress:
The Mound - By wiggles
The Oil Pan - by Tinker
New Hope - by Rych
Boneyard by Rych
The Fortress of Rust by Rych
Black God Forge Fortress by nasa911
The Smog Pits by TheMightyFlip
Doom by MBG
Dregsville by MBG
Fortress of Skulls by MBG
Fortress of Bones by MBG
New Anarchy by MBG

The Wastelands they inhabit
The Sump - By wiggles
The Sump Basin - By Tinker
Usanduk - By Rych
The Republic of Dan by Rych
No Go Zone by Rych
The Desert of Ashes by Slayer Dragonwing
The Devils Oasis by Rych
Heaven & Hell by Hollander
Insanity Sands by nasa911
The Forlorn Wastes by MBG
The Desolation by MBG
The Nowhere by MBG

The names of the city/civilisation:
The Resurgency - By wiggles
shittip - by Rych
Fear hole by Heavyfishcannon
Kingdom of Mercy by Rych
Land of the Callies by Rych
The New Wall by Rych
Insanity Sands freeman by nasa911
Great Lakes by MBG
Civilisation by MBG
Polis by MBG
The Western Alliance by MBG

Places in the Wastelands:
Moramarth’s Morass – a septic sump into which all the pollution and poisons drain. by Moramarth
Ol Greggs lair - A wasteland legend.
Paps of St Milla - a couple of low hills where mutants fear to tread - by the Warlord
Dirty Meg's Slag hole by heavyfishcannon
Dirty Meg’s brothel - by Tinker
Ross' Shed of Boobs - By Rych
Dawgie's Caverns by MBG
Baddawg Mountain by MBG
Hacienda Pudenda by Moramarth
Mr Cleans Bath House by Rych
The Dawg Howse - by Sykoholic
Rusty Hole by MBG

No idea of how to pick the names yet as there is some great ideas there. I may put it to a forum vote. Or just pick what feels right.

More background for the new wastelands.

Followers of this blog will know that I am making a new wastelands (see this post). I have gotten some good names from the guys over on the Post Apocalyptic Wargames Forum. I just need to sort them out and decide what names to use.  I have not yet had any ideas from the followers of this blog, please feel free to post any suggestions as there is still time.

Meanwhile here is a little more background for you all….

The terrain will have a mountain range across the middle of it. The troops, vaulties and wastelanders form a enclave which grows into a small town/city. I see this city begin built near a river or great lake. It is a common feature of many large towns and cities. A river or lake provides water, food and a method of transportation.

The faction grows and begins to expand, colonising the wastes. Explorers and traders go out in every direction. They city becomes rich. They build a series of outposts out in the wastes. These serve for enforcement and trade with the locals.

Soon the explorers discover the mountains to the north. They can't go any further in that direction. However a pass is discovered. The city faction is quick to send a expedition. They cross the pass and report a series of safe stone buildings along the pass. Each is equipped with wood, kindling and basic provisions. Obviously someone lives in these mountains. Most probably some sort of hunter.

Crossing into the plains beyond, they are shocked to see yet more wastelands. These are not as fertile as the city hoped. In fact they are worse than their own lands. There is some evidence of vehicles and people but the expedition has not encountered any. Quickly a outpost is built in these new lands, at the foot of the mountains. Outpost 112. It is stocked and Scouts go forth to find the locals or anything the city or Outpost can use. Meanwhile winter hits the lands and the pass is closed. The Outpost and its folk are cut off until spring arrives. Meanwhile some of the Scouts return reporting that they have found nothing of interest. However the Scouts that went north have not returned….

I hope the Scouts haven't brought any Spam for the Warlord as a gift!!