
Sunday, 8 December 2013

Sprue Cutters Union 20 - The Wish List...

Welcome once again dear readers to my blog. I missed the last SCU post.
This week's Sprue Cutters Union asks the seasonal question....What do you want?
Well the silly season is here. For me all hobby activity stops as I get ready to celebrate. It gets a little manic. Still I have managed to set the man cave up the year so I can do  a little bit of model making here and there. Mind you that is still very much WIP in there.
Although I am a Pagan I still celebrate the season and the many pagan aspects of the holiday. My holidays are filled with the same fun and games as others. Food, families, friends, cards, gifts, parties and decorating with all the things that go with these. In addition I celebrate the Winter Solstice, which is a quiet time for me. Difficult in a world that seems to want to party.
Like other modellers out there I consider myself pretty easy to buy for. Any kit has bits in it I can use for a conversion or terrain. As I model in 28mm (1/56 ish) and 15mm (1/100) most scales can be used. The same applies to figures. I like Sci Fi, Victorian Sci Fi/Steampunk and Post Apoc. One of the great things about Post Apocalyptic is any figures can be used. A little conversion work you have a great bunch of new figures. All it takes is a little imagination. I have used historical and fantasy figures in my conversions in the past. This can be really rewarding. Another nice aspect of the hobby is if you have already got the figures or kits in your collection its not a big deal. It gives to a chance to grow your armies or convert.
My family sometimes buys me kits and other hobby stuff. My wife is a real star buying me stuff she finds on Amazon or Games Workshop. Paint, Brushes, Figures & Models. Sadly she doesn't visit the other wargames vendors I like to visit online. She even gets me stuff she thinks I would like to convert. As I say she is a real star.
As this is a want list I think I should go a bit "I Want" like the proverbial spoilt child. So what do I want Father Christmas to leave me on the 25th?
4. Mantic's Dreadball. I have always fancied a sports game. When Mantic brought out Dreadball I was drooling as its a Sci Fi game.
3. Lead Adventure Miniatures. LAM makes some great Post Apoc and VSF figures. I have a couple of blisters of figures from LAM. They are characterful and great to paint. I have never had enough spare cash to buy them. So dear Santa.....pleeeeeeasssssseeeeee!!
2. Scavenge Skirmish Survive Figures by Miniature Mojo. These are great Frozen Post Apoc figures set here in the UK (hence the lack of firearms). They also make some nice additions such as dogs, scenery and vac formed building parts.
1. Big box of tank kits. For a long long time I have wanted to build a Sci Fi tank armoured company in 28mm. So a bunch of 1/48 or 1/35 tank kits would go a long way to starting this.
So that's it...there is much much more I could add but I don't want to be greedy.
Dear Santa, I have been a good boy all year....and I know where you live!!
If you like this post, you should check out what the other Sprue Cutters have to say about this.

Yet Another Plastic Modeller
Migrant's Wanderings
The Eternal Wargamer
The Combat Workshop

Remember, all it takes is a passion for this hobby and a blog to go along with it! All you have to do is write a post in response to this topic by Sunday and you can be a member of the Sprue Cutters Union. Take a look at the
Sprue Cutters Union page for more detail. Once you've written your post, either email me the link or drop the link in the comment section below.
The goal is to send new readers to our sites, so don't forget to include the links to other modelers' responses when you get an opportunity. Feel free to grab the badge!
Spread the word.
Join the Union


  1. Hey bud, great post. You're a lucky guy to have such an actively supportive partner. I love conversions as well. It's amazing what you can pick up. Oh, and if you do happen to get Dreadball, Amera Plastic Mouldings do a vac formed stadium for it!

  2. Number one, I can totally agree with. Getting a big box of tank kits any time of the year is a win.
