
Sunday, 5 January 2014

The Warlord's Challenge 2014

Over on the Post Apoc Wargames forum there has been much talk around the bar and camp fires of a Challenge to make for 2014. 

The challenge is simple this year  - You will be required to make a mini for your wastelands, the only stipulation is that it must be a mini you and it must reflect how you would see yourself if this was your mini's home in the wastelands (& personality on the Post Apoc Wargames forum). You can mix in anything that you feel reflects you. For instance board member Tinker may do a figure with some sort of Rat on a Stick or beer barrel (denizens who visit the boards will know what nonsense I am talking about). Of course that doesn't mean that you can't further embellish it with your own character traits. For instance a Scotsman may want a kilt or Claymore on his figure. 

There is no limit on the figure scale, after all you may want to use your mini you in your own table top adventures. If you are a print and play gamer you may want to make a figure from a collage or draw your own if you wish. 

Again, like all the other challenges this is just for fun. There is no reward. The idea is get some interaction going and the have a bit of fun. There is no real time limit but it would be nice to have it done by 31st Dec 2014. 

So fancy a go? Go join the Post Apoc Wargames Forum, say hi in the Bar and then join in the fun here. Don't forget to show us your progress.