
Sunday, 2 February 2014

Sprue Cutters Union #26: Glue.

This week's Sprue Cutters Union is a hobby basic - Glue. 

We all use the sticky stuff both Wargamer and Model Maker alike. So what glue's do I use and what for? 

The majority of my model making is done in the living room. This allows me to enjoy my hobby while my wife watches TV (usually sports!). We get to spend time together, which is the important thing. Now the problem with this is I cannot use glues with a smell. So for all my figures and kits I use good old Super Glue. 

As I use them for Metal, Plastic and Resin kits & figures thin glue is out. I find it runs everywhere and the figure or my fingers get stuck together. The glue of choice is Gel super glue such as Loctite Ultra Gel. It also comes in handy for filling small gaps. 

Another staple for me is good old PVA (white) Glue. I use two types. The first is the craft glues you find in most stores. This is great for basing and allows me to stick sand, girt, (clean) cat litter, Static Grass, Flock and bits of cork to my figure bases. The smaller bottle is handy for getting glue near the feet of the figure. I use a sliver of plastic card to spread the glue around the base. 

The other PVA glue is the stronger Builders PVA which is just as cheap but can be found in Hardware/DIY stores. I use this for gluing bits of polystyrene foam, making textured paint and basing terrain. 

Many of you may have seen my addiction to adding posters to my terrain. These are often printed off on my printer. The problem is that good old PVA often causes the inks to run. So I use a Sailor Glue Pen which can be found in many card making stores. It is ideal for applying the glue and it doesn't make the ink run. 

Finally the last weapon in my glue arsenal is the good old Hot Glue Gun. This tool is great for sticking large items together when making terrain and dioramas. In addition it is quick unlike PVA which can take hours to dry. Some times I use the hot glue to secure  the piece whilst the PVA dries. 

That's all I hope my guide to the sticky stuff has helped get you unstuck! Thank you for reading. 

Read Some More!
Part of being in the Union means you must include links to fellow contributors' posts within your own response. If you liked this post, then perhaps you'll enjoy what some other modelers have to say about this topic!

The Combat Workshop
Fill 'n Sand
The Garage Gamer
Yet Another Plastic Modeller
Miniature and Model Painting

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