
Thursday, 25 September 2014

Elevated Living accommodation WIP2

Just a quick update on my Elevated Living Accommodation piece for the Building UP competition over on the Post Apoc Wargames Forum

I have done some work on the base trimming the duct tape so I can attempt a frayed mat look. My standard mix of sand, grit, kitty litter and cork covers the rest of the base. 

As you can see from the pictures I have added cross pieces and supports to the posts. These are balsa wood that has had grain added with a pencil (a little tip picked up from Dampf's excellent terrain making books). The nails are punched card. 

The remains of the drain pipe was also added. 

I have done a little filling with good old fashioned cheap and nasty wall filler available in the DIY section of all good cheapo stores. 

The flooring has been made from scraps of balsa I had laying about. The planks, grain, nails and rough ends has been added with a pencil. They need a little more work before painting. The flooring will not be added until I have painted the base and walls. I find it a pain to try to paint detail when there is limited room. 

More to follow. Keep watching....