
Wednesday, 12 November 2014

The Scabs

The Scabs are a Scavenger band from out beyond the eastern edge of the ruins of Manchester. They decided to run their hard earned loot to Boxfort which would set them up for the long dark winter. However it wouldnt be easy. The ruins of Manchester are run by gangs who constantly war with each other and the wastes between the two cities are  filled with wild animals. The roads through the Liverpool ruins are plagued by Ferals. 

After avoiding trouble on the trip the Scabs ran into trouble only a couple of miles from Boxfort when the Psych Ward loonies who tried to rob them (see the recent Batrep). However the Psych Ward learned the very hard lesson of not running screaming towards men armed with shotguns, which proves that the Psych Ward mob may actually be the original inmates of the Asylum. 

The Scabs traded and moved a few miles inland. They moved into a part ruined factory about four miles from Boxfort. 

The Scabs are dug from my Post Apoc scavengers collection. The figs are L to R - Kallistra, EM4, Hetzerdog (OOP), EM4, Hetzerdog (OOP), EM4, EM4, Copplestone & Hetzerdog (OOP). 

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