
Sunday, 2 November 2014

Update on the Raised Shack terrain

Just a quick update on the raised shack.

The roof has been knocked together and I am about to undercoat it, when the weather holds.Pictures to follow.

I have slapped the paint on but there is a few minor details that need seeing to. I may add graffiti too.

After painting the model I noticed that there was a couple of things missing. First what every house needs...a  smoke stack. A paper lolly pop stick was bent to 90 degrees. A drinking straw was added to one end along with a few details. My scalpel was brutally stabbed into the wall to make a hole for the stack.
Another thing I noticed is there is no way for the guys into home sweet home. So I have knocked together a ladder. It needs some detail and attaching. 

Keep watching folks!