
Friday, 30 January 2015

Chips' Gang - Greasy Poon Warriors

Introducing Chips' Gang - Warriors of Greasy Poon. 

Chips is a baddass in Greasy Poon and quickly sided with the Boss - Bangers & Smash. It wasn't long until others seeing the odds stacked against them joined. This offers the township a decent amount of security which in turn attracts those who have less combat ability and aggression. 

Chips doesn't carry a ranged weapon as he prefers close combat. He wears home made armour and uses an reenforced old truck door as a shield. 

Chips is a Stavley resin figure for the Nuclear Renaissance game by Ramshackle Games. The figure comes in three pieces. The body, axe hand and shield. There is also a sculpted integral resin base cast to the figure which saves basing. 

I quite like this figure and I suspect I may order another in the future when I re-enforce King Artie's Scrap Knights. This mini would fit the look of that war band nicely. 

Gravy and Egg like close combat. Gravy got his name from his habit of looting the graves. Egg earned his name from his battle chant "I am gonna split your head like a mute egg!" 

Pie & Cheesy offer some ranged firepower with old assault rifles. Pie gained his name for food stuffs covered in pastry & baked (and some times deep fat fried after that). His love of pies is so deep he has been known to kill for a pie. Other denizens of Greasy Poon are amazed he isn't much larger. He puts it down to his mutie metabolism. Cheesy gained his name from his deep pungent cheese like aroma which keeps many locals upwind of him most of the time. 

The last member of the gang is Sausage. He gained his name from his battle cry "How do like them Sausages!". 

The members of the Chips gang are GW 40K Chaos cultists. They are nice looking figures and I enjoyed painting them. Whilst they are plastic multipart figures they are made in such a way that they can be assembled in one way. This seriously limits the scope that these figures could have. Nice one GW. Another shot in the foot. 

The Chips gang are all named after fast food items that go with Chips (Note they are also known Fries in some parts of the Wastelands). I tried to get the gangers in colours that relate to their names. There will be future additions to this gang - all with names which relate to dishes & food served with chips.  Sadly there will not be a Curry as he is one of Bangers' monkey brothers/henchmonkeys. 

Thanks for looking. 


  1. Great looking gang dude! I'm sure the Poon is secure under the gangs grubby mitts.
