
Saturday, 11 April 2015

Gangs of Greasy Poon - Parp & Company.

Welcome back to my blog. I have to apologise as I have been neglecting these pages as real life has been getting in the way.   As usual it has been a roller coaster. Hobby time has also been limited but I have managed to grab a little time here and there. So now it's time for a catch up. Expect a bit of a blog post bombardment over the next day or so. 

First up...let us return to the township of Greasy Poon on the cursed world known as Mattblackgod's world.....

Introducing Parp. 

Parp is a odd character who prefers to live beyond the safety of Greasy Poon's barricades. He lives in a valley not far away and lives on a strict vegetarian diet of food he mostly grows himself. Parp got his name from the unpleasant bodily emissions he tends to emit. This usually leads to everyone standing upwind of him. Parp is last to be picked for stealthy missions as they last thing anyone needs   is a loud trumpet noise as they sneak around a rad ghoul infested metro station. 

Parp has his uses to the folks of Greasy Poon. He is a good medic and can even fix machines. Another reason he is popular is he brews excellent fungus beer. Parp also makes a wicked rad chilli beer. However folks around Greasy Poon know to avoid his Rad Chilli Sauce as it has been known to melt metal and from time to time explode. 

Parp is a Larken Figure from Ramshackle Games' Nuclear Renaissance line. 

Introducing Chow Mien and Kung Po. 

Chow Mein (on the left) came to Greasy Poon from a vault. He claims he has seen much of the wastelands although many suspect that he tells tall stories for a drink. 

Kung Po wanders around unarmed which may lead the fool hardy into thinking that he is a easy target. What they don't know is Kung Po is a unarmed combat expert. He is a walking lethal weapon. Kung Po often mediates and chants mantras which to many sounds like the mumblings of a very angry man. Although the other denizens of Greasy Poon are not sure they do suspect that "kick him in the head" is not a ancient sacred mantra. 

Chow Mein and Kung Po are Matt Hazard and Rage figures from Ramshackle Games' Nuclear Renaissance line. 

1 comment:

  1. No apologies needed. Im behind on my blog by about 9 months now too. I like to look at what you post, when you can post it.
