
Saturday, 1 August 2015

Into the Undercity Pt2 - Terrain

I have been working on some Undercity terrain for beneath the mean streets and Mega Blocks of Utopia City. 

The undercity consists of many domes, caverns and lost cities that was buried when the City was built and as it expanded to become a megacity. Huge towers loom up into the darkness holding the dome and cavern ceilings up. 

The tower is an ex pringles tube. The base is a cork pan coaster with the edges nibbled to make it look like a rocky outcrop. The graffiti is inspired by the Metro 2033 Novel. 

The platforms are made card and bits from the depths of the bits box. The ladder is scratch built from coffee stirrers and match sticks. 

Beware the strange green mold growing every where. It can cause strange illness'. Some strange wastelander has tagged this tower. 

I have some of Mantic's Deadzone terrain sets knocking about. It is ideal for an undercity on a world that used starships to colonize it. 

Here is a security outpost.


No security outpost would be complete without a barricade. 

Okay not quite Undercity but it is Post Apoc. A bed from Thunderchild Miniatures.

The Warboys want a kip but are not too sure if the occupant will mind. 

Thanks for looking. 


  1. Nice terrain again mate. I wonder whether the strange outlander nibbled the fungus before tagging that wall. :D

    1. Cheers. We will keep an eye open for him. lol

  2. Another splendid piece of scratch building.

  3. Looks great. I love the tower.
