
Sunday, 19 February 2017

Some New Bits!

Finally I got some bits and bobs done. My terrible twosome kittens are nearly 1 year old now and they leave me alone long enough to do some hobby stuff. 

First up I ordered some Sci Fi prepainted prefabs from Pinnacle Games. The arrived flat packed and assembled quite quickly. 

The tops come off so you can allow figures inside. 

These are stackable so you can make a nice 15mm Sci Fi slum. I liked the Pinnacle models and I am hoping to add more to my collection in future. 

Staying on the 15mm theme I picked up this Zevda Ural Truck. 
I have a soft spot for the Ural truck. They would make great post apoc or frontier world work horses. The kit was snap fit and easy to assemble. The covered tarp comes off for cargo hauling. 

As I am thinking about doing Post Apoc in 15mm I felt a Muscle Car to Mad Max would be in order. The problem is Hotwheels cars look to large to my eye. So I went looking around  the HO rail road lines and found a Mustang. The only trouble is HO scale cars cost a small fortune. More than a 1/24 diecast car. 

Staying in the Post Apoc theme I picked up "When" by Matthew Thair. This is a book of Ink Post Apoc art and some poems. 

There is some art work in here. Worth a look if you like or need some inspiration.

Check it out, I found mine on Ebay. 

That's all for now. Take care out there! 


  1. Nice work dude. Great looking book very early 40k and Dark Future looking.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.
