
Thursday, 21 September 2017

Wasteland wondering - chatter.

Hello, welcome back to my blog and to another Wasteland Wondering.

It has been a busy few weeks hobby wise with one thing and another. I have expanded the background of the Matt Black City using the journal entries of the Utopia Magistrates. This has allowed me to mix some themes I like into the setting from the Stalker video games.

The posts also gave me a mechanic to bring Brittanna bunker city back into Mattblackgod's world. In case you missed it the refugees of the city formed a corporation in Utopia. They used technology stolen from Utopia to build a new city in secret. Then under the cover of the psi riots they moved to their new home.

I like Brittianna not only because I can use it to mimic some of British history and certain favourite television shows but it is a great vehicle for lampooning, satiring and spoofing certain events in the news.

Thinking of the returning bunker city gave me ideas to expand it's defence companies. Some time in the future the Queens Guard will get four new guys (1 squad) in power armour. Thanks to the oldhammer FB group & forum for inspiring me to dig out my old RT figures and relife them with fresh paint.

The convential Brittannia ground troops will be expanded from 4 man squads to 6 man squads with a new squad being formed (scored some early metal IG Cadians on Evil bay).

Each company is commanded by a Lord. Whilst some companies stick to the standard uniform others deviate such as Lord Blackdaggar. This will allow me some fun creating companies for other Lords. I have some old RT era Imperial Guard figures which I have plans for. They are currently in a pot of dettol cleaning fluid ready for stripping.

Meanwhile I have started looking at the home of the Wasteocrates faction in the MBC ruins. They are setting up in a old half demolished block. These mega city buildings
have enough room for a post apocalyptic town. Wastetopia is planned to be a rough, nearly lawless place. The lack of interference attracts stalker teams, bandits and more who come their to trade. Of course this puts the township at odds with other factions in the ruins. There will be more on Wastetopia when I have fleshed it out a bit more.

The plans for the township has caused more rethinking of my plans. So a re-edit of the maps will be needed.

The Utopia mags posts will continue. They have to at least get some reinforcements and vehicles before I think about stopping. The ruins are too vast to go everywhere on foot. The posts can take a while to write and edit so I have started the Matt Back City Data reports to speed up the posting of new figures and growing factions.

Work on various groups of figures has started, helped immensely by the fact the the two kittens I got last year are now cats. In true cat style they like to sleep a lot.

Whilst all this has been going on I picked up the Mutant Epoch RPG books. They are a good read and are inspiring the background of Wastetopia a little.

The big news from me in the last couple of weeks is that I was asked by Curtis of Ramshackle to help him set up a table for next year's BYOL show. My collection of Post Apoc terrain will be featuring on a large table along side Curtis' as we put together another Helsreach table. I am super excited and honoured to be asked. It is about time some of my collection got some game time in.

Thanks for reading. Stay safe out there.