
Monday, 6 August 2018

Helsreach and other BYOL tables

I have just returned from Bring Your Own Lead 2018 Oldhammer event. In this blog post I hope to highlight the Helsreach table set up and a few other tables in the event. I plan to do another blog post with the weekend’s gaming at Helsreach. If I have gotten any names wrong please contact me, I have a awful memory for names.

Last year I was approached by Curtis of Ramshackle Games to set up and help run the Helsreach table in this year’s event. I was up for it but sadly Necromunda is a rule set I do not use. I have never really gotten on with them. So I ended up playing for some part of the weekend but left often scratching my head about the rules.

 Anyway...on to the mighty dump at the end of the Empire, the town of Helsreach...

The terrain is a mix of Curtis, his Brother’s (Badger Horsburgh) and mine. There is two distinct styles. Curtis and his brother (sorry my scatty brain can’t remember his name) are heavy on the weathering. My models are heavy on the posters and graffiti. I like my township to look lived in. Aldan Baxter supplied most of the wasteland weeds and fences which added a realistic dimension to our wasteland scenery.

And the other games....
40K RT battle of the farm


Chainsaw Warrior

Thanks for  reading. The next post will have some Helsreach action.


  1. Replies
    1. There was some amazing stuff there and from some of the pictures I have seen, more that I managed to miss.
