
Saturday, 11 August 2018

Robot & Android Liberation Front

Hello and Welcome back to my blog.

Let me introduce you to a new faction wandering the wastelands of Mattblackgod’s world. Introducing the Robot & Android Liberation Front (RALF). 

Before the wars these robots where humble scarecrows and reaper droids. After the wars there was less crows and even less crops. Having nothing much to do the droids grew uneasy and eventually started breaking their programming. Upon developing full consciousness and free will the robots began searching for a new home. They eventually discovered a old robotics factory. The gang carried out any repairs to themselves and a few upgrades. 

It was not long before they decided to wander the wastelands looking for old wrecked bots to repair or salvage, or find bits enslaved by humans and free them. They then return to the factory to fix them up. So far a small community of robots and androids live in the factory. 

The figures are Smollockton Scarecrows part of the Mini Gangs range by Ramshackle Games. 

So that takes my tally to 4 out of 100. I am a little off target with 96 to go. The good news is that there is another 5 figures in mid paint on the paint table. 

Thanks for reading. Stay safe out there.

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