
Monday, 31 December 2018

2018 review....

Hello and welcome back to my blog. 

Well another year comes to a end and it is traditional to look back at my hobby year. This year I want to keep it brief. It has been a interesting year and I have learnt a few new hobby related things. I met a few people and hopefully made a new friend or two. It has also been challenging in some ways as I had the never ending viral infection in the first half of the year, my wife’s health hasn’t been great, technology problems and I have had a host of vehicle health issues including crashing my motorbike on a diesel spill (don’t overfill your cars, vans and trucks folks).

Although I didn’t get as many figures painted in 2018 as I hoped looking back it is actually more than I thought it was. It was a good mix of figures from Necromunda 2017, Copplestone, Warlord’s 2000AD Strontium Dogs and Ramshackle games lines with the odd figure from here and there thrown in for good measure.

The big thing for me this year was the BYOL 2018 oldhammer show. Curtis of Ramshackle games invited me to join him in setting up the Helsreach table on which the original Necromunda rules were going to be played. The idea was that I was going to supply the town buildings. I trundled on down there with my wife in tow, two cases of figures and three plastic crates of models. 

If you are looking at the pictures my terrain was anything covered in graffiti or posters where as Curtis’ models tended to be larger and had heavy weathering. I also supplied a great number of the citizens to be shot at or aggressively romanced by the space bastards marines. For good measure I took along three gangs. The Warriors (Orlock), Fatal Floozies (Eshers) and my old Gothrats - OOP Shockforce mutant rat man. 

Take a peek at the tables and Helsreach action here:

I had a fun couple of days gaming Helsreach. Thank you Curtis for inviting me, GMing and the fresh inspiration. 

The Helsreach gaming inspired me to arrange a Post Apocalyptic Wargames meet up for next year. So far the plans have fallen flat trying to find a suitable location to host it. Things may have to go on hold on that front as my wife may be starting dialysis by then. As you can imagine it will be a busy life changing year for us both. 

The post apocalyptic Wargames forum reached 10 years in the wastelands of the internet. I commissioned a figure to celebrate. Eventually I took delivery of the 10 figure from the casters after a few teething troubles. 

BTW - I have plenty of these figures still for grabs. You only have to pay P&P. Email me on if you are interested.

My own homebrew rules Radlands got a quick play test this year. They seem to play okay. My debate is to release the main rules for play test or to finish them before I let the wastelanders get their mitts on them. Batrep here:

That pretty much sums up my 2018 hobby wise. I hope to be more productive next year. I have some ideas and plans which I hope to explore in next years blog posts. 

So my lovely wasteland wanderers, thank you for reading and putting up with the sporadic blog posts this year. Have a happy New Year’s Eve. Stay safe out there and have fun. See you next year.

Monday, 24 December 2018

Merry Apocmass.

Seasons Greetings, merry apocmass or what ever you choose to call the season. Have a great time. 

Don’t drink too much of the hooch the warboys have been brewing all year. 

Have a wonderful time and stay safe out there.

Sunday, 23 December 2018


Hello and welcome back to my blog. 

It must be Christmas, two blog posts at one. 

The Blubber gang rule Trashford. It is a square mile of territory in the Blasted Ruins. The main centre is a ancient shopping mall which is the town. Nearby is a old stadium in which Blubber runs gladiatorial shows usually using captives vs his best warriors or savage beasts.

Blubber is a Max Bubba from 2000AD Strontium Dogs line by Warlord Games. 

The Blubber gang trades and raids across the wasteland. They have also given Brittannia a head ache by taking on their troops as they try to control the Blasted ruins. Blubber and his boys may just hang on to their grip on Trashford as long as Brittannia don’t roll out the big guns. The gang’s grip is helped by a pristine weapons cache looted from a lost military bunker in the blasted ruins.

So that takes my figure total up to 28 painted. Some 72 short. I tried to get more done but real life kept getting in the way. That’s going to be my lot for this year. I always pack the brushes away over the silly season. 

I will try to post before the big day, but just in case. Have a very merry Christmas, Yule or whatever you call it. 

That’s all folks, be careful out there and Seasons Greetings. 

Post apocalyptic vehicles.

Hello and welcome back to my blog. 

And now for the Xmas eve eve blog post...

Now for some 28mm vehicles. The wastelands are home to all manner of vehicles. Many are cobbled junk heaps together barely recognisable from the vehicle it started out as. Here or there the old vehicle makes it out of the production units of Utopia or Britannia cities. Some vehicles where built near the end but stayed locked away unused in a bunker only see the light of day decades later. Others where built from bits of many other vehicles and wrecks. These are products of the builders twisted imagination and ability to adapt anything to their purpose. Often they mix utility with the bizarre.

This is Mayor Bustrd’s favourite ride. To blow off steam he races it around the wastelands around Rubbleborg. It is his pride and joy. I may have this as a game objective. Steal the car. The car is a Gigapig resin model from Antenocitis workshop. It is a super detailed model.

There are a number of vehicles in Rubbleborg, many of which are built in it’s workshops from the many items the scavengers and salvage teams. 

Many vehicles are armoured up trucks which the locals use to haul loot from various locations in the wastelands. The trucks are handy for moving trade items from place to place. This is a Badger by Ramshackle Games. I have been wanting one since Ramshackle first started casting models. Now it’s mine....all mine...ha ha hhhaaaa. 

The  Badger has a skull hood Ornament that I sculpted from putty. 

There are a few smaller vehicles used as escorts or for scouting. This is a Ram Stoat by Ramshackle Games. 

Everyone has heard of the legend of Max, the Road Warrior (also known as the man with no name, the raggity man and blood bag amoung other names) and his mighty ride, the Interceptor. This car is a 1/43 scale model by Autoart. I dirtied it up with some dry brushing. I did try to copy the movie car but the dirt on it was too heavy to look realistic on a car of this size.

Bandits use various vehicles and this car is a typical bandit ride. 

The car is the chase car from the opening scene of Mad Max 2 the Roadwarrior. This car is a 1/43 scale model by Autoart. I dirtied it up with some dry brushing. I got them both as a set. Luckily I managed to get them for the prices they where before Fury Road came out. Auto Art also made some dirty cars but they are even more expensive and look like they have been in a mud wumping competition rather than racing across the wastelands. The dirt is painted on too heavily for my tastes.

I will be including the vehicles in my paint totals...

Figures painted: 27....73 short.

Thanks for looking, take care out there.

Tuesday, 11 December 2018

Amera Plastic Craters

Hello and welcome to my blog. 

For many years I have been a fan of the vac formed models made by Amera Plastic models. I must admit at first I was concerned that the plastic would too thin but I soon discovered that they happily take 28mm metal figures without any issues. Over time I have added quite a few of their models to my collection.

Recently Amera began a competition on social media on the run up to Christmas to win one of their new crater models. I was lucky enough to win one. It arrived in the post over the weekend.

The model should fit the three scales I game (28mm, 20mm and 15mm) nicely. The craters are nicely detailed. Now I just have to find the time to paint it. 

The competition is still going so give it a go, you never know you may get lucky.

They can be found on Facebook 

Twitter: @AmeraMouldings 


Thanks for looking. Take care out there.