
Friday, 12 April 2019

Hacking Rhinos to bits.....vehicle WIP

Hello and welcome back. 

I have been staring at this old 40k Rhino I got as a eBay special. It was a badly painted chaos one and after a bit of work (and some Ork and Ramshackle parts) it became a armoured ride for various factions over the years. After my experiences of Helsreach at BYOL 2018 decided to turn it into a cargo transport.


I split the sides apart and slowly unpicked the side doors. The inner doors where cut (hacked) out. The back of the top portion of the hull was cut out. Then the rear door was fixed in place with struts under it to keep it in place.

I just got to paint it now. Filling some of the holes may be an idea too.

Speaking of eBay specials I picked up these four for a massive £25. 

A bit of Oldhammer goodness there. The old MK1 Rhinos have a soft spot with me. These need a little repair work. Hull bottom panels/hatches are missing as the builder was trying to spread his parts around. I am thinking of kit bashing a couple into a stretch rhino. That may need a custom hull if I can’t join two hulls together.

Thanks for looking. Take care out there.


  1. Quite the motor pool you have there. I also like the MKI Rhinos. good memories.

    1. Cheers, I am still playing with ideas of what to do with them. At the minute fixing them up and repainting seems to be on the cards.

  2. wow great conversion,you have made a great purchase with the four veichles! ew
