
Thursday, 20 June 2019

Franki of Schmittville

Hello and welcome back. 

Let me introduce Franki. Franki is an enforcer for Baron Schmitt of Schmittville were she wanders around the Sectors and the clay mine terminating anyone not pulling their weight. 

Franki is from a Steampunk type line (Warmachine probably) I got many years back for my Garbage force. The figure was converted with odds & ends from the bitsbox of doom but has now had a new head swap and put to work in Schmittville. I messed her eyes up but it gives her a mutilated/mutated look so I will leave it.

World note: 

Schmittville lies approximately a day and half’s march due east of Rubbleborg. It is a township that grew out the remains of an industrial estate. More information on the township when I start populating it. 

Thanks for looking and avoid Franki. 

1 comment:

  1. Cool looking conversion and paint work. I wouldn't want her after me!
