
Thursday, 20 June 2019

More Stronties for the wastelands.

Hello and welcome back from your wasteland wandering. 

Today we have three more bounty hunter “Strontium Dogs” and friends of Johnny Alpha for your entertainment. These guys provide backup for Johnny when Brittianna City slaps a big bounty on an entire settlement or gang. 

I am using these figures in my own setting on matt black god’s world and they have their back stories tweaked to fit (just like every other figure on this blog)

Middenface McNulty:

Often drunk and great in close combat is Middenface McNulty. The Pictish mutant bounty hunter is a loyal friend of Johnny Alpha but can be bad tempered and hot headed.

Durham Red:

This dangerous mutant looks pretty normal at first glance but closer inspection shows sharp fangs. Durham Red has a unusual Vampirism mutation. Her mutation allows Red to be stronger and faster than normal humans with the draw back that she needs to drink blood to survive. Preferably human. In combat the smell of blood can cause her to lose control and start drinking the blood of her enemies or enter a blood rage. Needless to say Red’s needs cause her to be driven out of many settlements but if she can stay focused she is a formidable foe.

Maeve the Many-Armed:

Hailing from a land across the sea west of Rubbleborg, Maeve landed one dark and stormy night. Her multiple arms proved useful in combat and she drifted inland in search of the Mutant Temple lost in the Blasted Ruins. Here she heard of the Strontium Dogs bounty hunters and signed up. 

When questioned about her homeland across the sea Maeve evades and changes the subject. 

These figures are all from the Strontium Dog: SD Agents by Warlord Games.

Thanks for looking and stay safe out there.

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