
Thursday, 19 September 2019

Next rework in the queue.

Hello and welcome back Wanderer. 

There has been quite a bit going on with figure painting and planning new factions. I will get them posted up as soon as I get the background fluff written up. 

Meanwhile it’s time to fix up this bad boy and update it. The model fell off a shelf last year.

This piece was my first fully detailed interior model which I made around 15 years back. The inspiration for it came from a place I worked in. The design is set out so a 25mm base can move around inside.

The walls are foam board and the base & roof are cork board. The planters on the roof are old electrical connector caps filled with greenery. The tool cupboard, cupboard and filling cabinet came from a cheap Chinese garage set. 

Lots of bits from the bits box turned up including some bottles and bits from a tavern set (Grendel maybe?). The bed is scratch built from balsa, paper and putty. The chairs are chopped down oil barrels with cushions made from milliput. The stove/heater is another cut up oil barrel with card door. Lots of posters printed off from the web, the owner one ‘Mad Dan’ likes the goth female form. 

Time to repair - the corner of the roof has gone. The sign needs replacing. The exterior needs some paint touching up and will get the PA weathering. Inside may get some new details too depending on what is laying about. 

Keep watching for the next update. 

Thanks for looking. Take care out there.