
Saturday, 12 October 2019

Some hotwheels WIP

Hello and welcome back to my blog, 

While I have several 28mm figures on the go my brain has been itching at me to get cracking on my 20mm stuff. So here comes some WIP builds from the Warlord’s chop shop. 

First up is the Tyredok - Inspired by a vehicle in Fury Road I started work on this a couple of years back. Warlord Carnage needs one for his vehicle hordes.

It has had some bits from the bits box, plus parts from the North Star Gaslands sprue and Stan Johansen bits.

The vehicle is intended as support and is unarmed (I am creating for Warlands rather than Gaslands mainly as it has infantry rules). 

The Northstar Gaslands sprue is worth investing in especially. There is a motorbike on them too. 

Quite a decent looking ride I think. 

 There is also these two builds on the production line. The green station wagon is intended as a service vehicle for a settlement. It has a mix of Aberrant, NS Gaslands and Ramshackle bits on it. It still needs more. Possibly protection over the windows.

The sliver car (Hotwheels Ford Torino) has been drilled out, had a floor added to the rear, meshed windows, wheels lowered on the body (I do wish Hotwheels would stop making slammed cars - they would be useless in a post apocalyptic world), dual tyre rear wheels (this seems to be a compulsory modification if you have seen Mad Max 2 - Roadwarrior), a rod rear bumper and autokill blower. It needs more adding. The intention with this rig is to have a rear gunner and some sort of plinth mounted weapon on the roof. 

I have forgotten how much fun hacking hotwheels cars about is. 

That all for now - keep watching. 

Thanks for looking. Stay safe out there.