
Thursday, 24 October 2019

The Rubbleborg Irregulars

Ahhh Welcome back Wanderer, treat yourself to a rat on a stick while I tell you about the Rubbleborg Irregulars. 

BZZZTTT - THUNK - THUNK- THUNK - BZZZTT is this thing on? Uh? Right!” 

The Rubbleborg newly installed tannoy announcement system kicks into life, much to the annoyance of the township’s residents.

Attention Rubbleborg Citizens - this is the first broadcast by your Mayor Bustrd. I have had troubling news that deep in the Blasted Ruins, the mutant cult are rising again. Calm yourselves, news from Trashford indicates that this may be a different cult but intel is sketchy at this point. Hopefully the cult will become a pain for the bloody Brittiannan’s rather than us. Still with a new cult on the horizon and the annoying growth of Brittianna city I think the Borg needs a more permanent defence force so we are forming a permanent full time milita. If you are interested and think you have the stuff to join the Rubbleborg Irregulars go speak to Captain Dunk. T’s n C’s apply. BZZZTTT - THUNK“ 

This motley lot are the first recruits to the Rubbleborg Irregulars.

Left to Right:

Kara (Grenadier future cop- reworked from my collection), Shorty Drinksonly (classic 40K Rogue Trader figure, newly painted), Skullson (Classic Necromunda Bounty Hunter - a painted eBay find which I rebased) and Fred Tenson (10 figure conversion). 

A better look at Shorty Drinksonly. He is a 40K Rouge Trader Adventurer from back in the mists of time. I have been chasing this figure for over 30 years and I found him unpainted on eBay for a decent price. He painted up quickly and was fun to paint. 

I plan to expand the Irregulars with some other Classic 40K Oldhammer figures at some point in the future. 

Thanks for looking, stay frosty out there. 

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