
Thursday, 28 November 2019


So we was scavenging in the old ruins and found these old hab blocks that looked pretty much untouched. We started to scope the blocks out, getting excited about our big find when Smash stepped in this trail of thick sticky slime. He couldn’t move his foot. It was horrible and we managed to get his boot out after a few minutes of swearing. The boot started to melt a couple of hours later. Real toxic sludge that was. 

As I waited for Smash to put his boot back on and stop swearing we heard it. This horrible noise like man flu nose only much, much louder. There looking at us was this horrible giant mutant snail. A Necrollusc as the tribal legends call them. We thought they where scare stories but there was this great ugly thing looking at us. It’s eyes popping out on stalks, swivelling this way and that with a hungry look. Weird I tell you. It may be why no one has looted these blocks.

It raised up showing rows of teeth on its underside. What sort of critter has it’s mouth on its foot? Just too freaky. That was it, we legged it. Not too quick at first, I mean just how fast does a snail go? You can walk faster. Not the Necrollusc, this thing was gaining on with us. Panicked we ran quicker and were starting to out run it when two more moved in from side streets in front of us. I guess they must have been trying to catch us in a pincer movement. I thought snails was dumb? Running even faster we just managed to get through the trap. 

We kept running and the Necrollusc’s chased us. Our chests felt like they where going to explode. We didn’t stop until we cleared the ruins and then some. I don’t know when they gave up, but I am glad they did. Smash still has bad dreams of those things chasing him. 

The Necrolluscs are by Thunderchild Minatures as part of their Wasteman range.

Thanks for looking and keep a eye open for Necrolluscs.