
Sunday, 17 November 2019

The shadow people

Hello and welcome back Wanderer. I told you to keep an eye open for post 501! 

Now for another wasteland hazard - the shadow people.

We found this old tunnel in the hills. Made of concrete like the buildings of old times. Excited we had found a lost bunker or vault we decided to explore. As we crept down this passage these things jumped us out of the darkness. Totally silent, quicker than a gassed up snake. In the panic Donny dropped the lantern and the whole place descended into darkness. You couldn’t see your hand front of your face. As we couldn’t see them we we couldn’t shoot. Not being able to shoot we legged it back towards the light. 

As we emerged they followed us into the light. Ugly black skinned mutants with no eyes. The daylight didn’t slow them. That’s when we let rip, firing every shooter we had. It was hard to hit them as the moved like lightening. But then they paused looking about like they where confused before fleeing back to the hole they came from. That was the first time we came across the shadow people. I hope it was the last, we lost half the crew in that tunnel. 

Found in dark underground places the shadow people are mutants who where once human. Blind, these mutants hunt for food using scent and echo location. The mutants are both feral and territorial. It is common for them to fight each other over food. When encountered your best bet is to stay still. If they start to attack try to make loud noises as this can effect the shadow people’s sonar. It confuses them forcing them to retreat. Gun shots work well. Even better if you can kill the thing while you are at it.

Here we see the shadow people jumping Masher of the Green Valley Hooligans. I think he has got this.

The Shadow people are GW Ur Ghuls from the Blackstone Fortress set - salvaged off eBay. I went for the an all black colour scheme inspired by the future beasts from the Primeval TV series. 

Thanks for reading. Take care out there and keep a eye open for the shadow people.

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