
Wednesday, 1 January 2020

Happy New Year 2020

Happy New Year to all my readers. I hope 2020 is a wonderful year for you all. 

If I am honest I will be glad to see the back of 2019 in many ways. It wasn’t a bad year Hobby wise for me, however it was a difficult year for me and my wife on a personal level. Without going into all the gory details this year saw my wife’s health deteriorating and ending the year on dialysis. As we chose home treatment I have been learning to set the machine up and needle her. While I find hobby time is a good way to unwind after treatments, when I return to work in the next couple of days, I fear I may not have as much time to actually get any hobby time in. 

My usual 2019 review didn’t happen this year simply because Photobucket has been playing silly buggers since before Christmas Eve. It seems to have settled down now.

Hobby wise my 2020 plans are as follows: 

To keep a hobby tally as I find this makes me realise just how much I get done. It also motivates me to get some painting done. I would also like to get over 104 figures painted - 2 figures a week which tops the 64 I managed last year.

To play hobby bingo (see Hobby Bingo Post )

This is to help keep me motivated and keep various projects moving forward. Not to mention getting a game or two in. 

Keep the 28mm post apocalyptic gangs of Mattblackgod’s world coming. I have several new gangs I am planning on adding. Not to mention all the nice resin terrain I have coming.  There is also have some Ramshackle resin Vehicles to paint and a 1:48 VW bug to build. 

To give my 15mm SF & PA projects some love. One of my Christmas gifts was a platoon of 15mm M113 APCs. They and various piles of figures I hope to get out on the table.

Get more Hotwheels converted and built for Warlands, Gaslands and/or Axels and Alloys. It’s embarrassing just how many cars I have to work on. I also hope to get some figures painted for infantry games in this scale.

To start a new 28mm project, because I don’t have enough to play with or paint up - more on that in another post. 

As I have a large pile of shame to hit and funds may be a bit more limited next year I hope not to purchase any new terrain, models or figures from today. Note: this does not include any outstanding forward orders or kickstarters to arrive. This doesn’t apply to paint, glue, putty etc. How long until I fail on this one? I give it a week. 

As I may be cutting my working hours I will be aiming at a Frugal hobby year with cheap trash bashes from my pile of shame being pushed into service. Looking back at my hobby history some of my favourite figures and models have been conversions or scratch builds.

I hope to have a busy and productive hobby year but we shall see. 

Thanks for reading and I wish you and your families a Happy and Prosperous 2020. May your paint brush never lose its tip and your dice rolls be lucky


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