
Sunday, 24 May 2020

Wasteland Mutants.

Hello and welcome back to my blog.

An entry in Master Knight Balthazar’s journal. 

We have slowly been going through the remains of the Bushland enclave. Several data pads and data stores have been recovered and we are slowly trying to piece together the history of this place. 

This is a particularly worrying entry found on a data pad.

“Several times now we have run into mutants in the wastelands. From what we know they seem to like living in underground places. The mutants are typically under 1.5 meters in height and have pale skin. Many of these mutants seem to be afflicted with extra limbs or heads. Typically mutants are aggressive, feral and seem to be unable to communicate verbally. Although it seems one in a hundred seems to be able to make sounds that sound like words. There is an chance that these creatures grunts and growls may be a kind of language unintelligible to pure strain humans. 

Mutant horde - these figures are mutated goblins by Ral Partha Europe.

Mutants are easy to deal with when they are alone however their strength lies in numbers. Mutants like to swamp their opponents. 

A couple of Scavs run into Mutants.

Some wastelanders claim that there are intelligent mutants out there who they have actually traded with. Most likely these are camp fire tall tales.

Having taken samples from dead mutants it looks as if the DNA was human based but has been vastly manipulated and it looks to be unstable. Who would create these creatures and why? There is some speculation that these creatures are a failed experiment that either got loose or was dumped in the wastelands.”

This is definitely a concern for our Order and we should try to find more about the origins of these creatures. However there is more. 

“A larger mutant found in the wastelands is called the Abadon. These creatures stand at 2.5 to 3 meters high. Like the smaller mutants they are aggressive and near feral. Although stories tell of them using heavy squad weapons. Unlike their smaller cousins they appear to like living above ground. Often when encountered they have a small following of mutants along side. While the Abadon keeps fighters attention the smaller mutants swarm them. Perhaps there is some intelligence in these creatures?

Abadons - these figures are 15mm Trollkin by Ral Pathra Europe. 

DNA samples suggest that Abadons come from the same genetic stock as the mutants. However it looks to be further manipulated to be more stable and much larger. From what we have seen from our encounters with Abadons is that they lack intelligence and are hard to control. It is our assumption that the same entity who created the mutants further experimented to create a more stable creature with the purpose of possibly being a super solider. However difficulties in controlling the creatures made them unusable. 

A couple of Scavs take on a pair of abadons. 

A mutant horde surprises a couple of Scavs. 

The mutant woes don’t end there. There are more stories from the wastelands of creatures akin to the mutants and abadons. Giant creatures called Crushers. These stand at least 4 meters in height and have great strength. There is many tales of them attacking settlements, far too many for these creature to be a wasteland myth.

Crushers live underground and only come out to hunt. Mutants seem to worship them in a god like way. There are no pictures on file or DNA samples as non of our personnel have run into a Crusher. It is not a massive jump to assume the same entity created these creatures too.”

These entires are concerning not only for our survival here but there must be some lab complexes that created the creatures. Their creators are definitely in violation of our Order’s objectives and must be stopped. When further information is available we will have to contact Titansark to advise them on our finds.

Master Knight Balthazar 

Thanks for reading. Take care out there.