
Saturday, 9 May 2020

Wasteland Wondering - 15mm plans

Hello and welcome to another wasteland wondering.

My 15mm post apocalyptic project has been given a kiss of life. I like the scale for many reasons. Quick to paint, cheap, easy to store, a decent game can be played on a small table, smaller items can be trash bashed into terrain easily. I won’t mention that I have a desire to build some 15mm space ships. 

Currently the plan was to recreate MBG world in 15mm. However I have taken this opportunity to reimagine MBW. This started with the creation of Drop City a while back. 

So far the 15mm plan is to mix elements from MBW with inspirations take from the Toxic World Series of novels, Rage 1 & 2 video games, 2000 AD and the Mad Max video game. Although if I am honest what ever else catches my attention will probably end up getting added.

I like the Rage video games as they are quite high tech wastelands based on a apocalypse that happens in the future which ties in with the feel of MBW. There is a some stealing of ideas from the maps of these games. I aim to create versions of the townships found in these games.  The advantages of a bunch of rag tag high tech figures is that these can also be used for frontier world town militas. 

So what else is planned?

The ghouls will be staying as I have already painted them. There will be a change of direction from the critters of the Fallout universe. These ghouls are human degenerates. Addiction to the Kraptoidiots drug Stonk has left them chemically lobotomised, reverting to an animalistic state. 

Of course Kraptoidiots corporation will be turning up too. Again I have to decide what figures to use for them. 

Mutants exist across the world. These are thought to be failed genetic experiments to creat super soldiers. Whoever created them didn’t destroy their failed creations but dumped them in the wastelands where they have spread. Nearly all mutants are feral and are often limited to using basic hand weapons. Most mutants are small in size (3 to 4 foot) and attack in groups attempting to overwhelm attackers with sheer numbers. They often live alongside ghouls/humanimals. There are larger mutants call Abadons who stand around 8 to 9 foot high. They are sometimes accompanied by mutants. The largest mutants found in the wastelands are the Crushers who often stand around 10 to 12 foot high although they can sometimes be larger. Mutants worship them as gods and a Crusher nest often has large numbers of mutants living with them. 

The Authority are a big protagonist in the Rage video games. They act as oppressors of the wastelands. I am thinking of creating a faction to act like these high tech oppressors. 

GELFs (Genetically Engineered Life Form) may also turn up. Orks (Trogs), Grots and Vermen are on the cards. 

There are a few other ideas rattling about in my skull which I hope to reveal if my inspiration doesn’t run dry before then. 

I would like to make various gangs of bandits too. Let’s see how it goes.

World map wise I am thinking about using a super continent so all the elements I have created can in theory go knock the snot out each other on the table top without needing to cross seas. 

Keep watching. 

Thanks for reading and stay safe out there.

1 comment:

  1. Oh, yes - I'll keep watching! You did the right thing, warlord. You are ready for the next step.

    SELL ALL YOUR 28mm stuff. Only then truly free you will be. ;)
