
Saturday, 11 July 2020

Last City Stalkers

Hello and welcome back. 

A lone Stalker and his dog approaches the Last City’s Junk gate. Where is he going alone in the Wastelands? To retrieve a hidden loot stash, a bit of scouting or perhaps he is a loner? Who knows but going into the wastelands alone is a risky move.

The figure is a Infinity Yu Jing  Zhanshi HMG figure with a Iron Pig head swap. The hood is made from greenstuff putty. A backpack was added from the bits box. The dog came is a plastic figure from a fantasy line. I just finished the base off. 

Stalkers provide a vital service to the Last City. They bring salvage and old world items back to the city. Stalkers also bring information, news and warnings about the things they see in the wastelands. Stalker billets and camps are located around the main gates. This is due to the nature of their work. Another reason is that when they are in the city the Stalker bands are expected to join in defence. Many Stalkers are experienced fighters (a side effect of the job) and well equipped making themselves a force to be reckoned with. 

The Scientists 

The scientists are a small Stalker team descended from a remote research bunker. Pretty soon food began run out and they were forced to cobble together armoured hazmat suits from anything laying about. Hungry they wandered out to scavenge anything they could to survive. Eventually the few surviving members became good at the job and ended up working for a distant settlement. Like many others they travelled to the Last City, hoping their skills will make them a fortune. 

These figures are repainted old clix frogmen. One has had his SMG removed and replaced with a mini gun from a EM4 Combat Zone military heavy weapons set. 

Thanks for looking. Stay safe out there Stalker.

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