
Thursday, 1 October 2020

Still alive out there?

Hello and welcome back,

There hasn’t been a post for a couple of weeks. I am still alive and kicking. I have some 15mm figures to share when I get around to writing their fluff. 

A couple of weeks ago I decided to build the Ork trukk & boys that revell released a few years back for Orktober. Then the conversion bug bit and I fell down the Gorkamorka rabbit (squig?) hole. My inner Mek Boy went into overdrive. 

The trukk was stretched and a rather fun crows nest added. It is still a WIP. No idea about names for this gang yet. Maybe the Black Skarz?

Then I started this build intended for a character Trog I made a couple of years back. They frame is recycled sprue. The engine and wheels come from Foxbox.

Mattblackgod’s world has Trogs (Orks) who are Genetically Engineered Life Forms (GELF) that we’re brought to the world to fight during the end wars. Trogs are hardier than humans and found survival in the post apocalyptic world quite easy. Actually they think it’s great fun. Trogs are a threat across the wastelands and to the Last City. Trog raiders are always on the lookout for loot and slaves to take back to Trogwanna. One of Mattblackgod’s World’s continents is called Trogwanna. It is a wasteland overrun with the creatures and the Grots which share the same genetic engineering. Many humans surviving on Trogwanna are enslaved to the bidding of the Trogs. Some Trogs lead warbands of human “fanboys”. The large mutated Trog known as the Mattblack Trog controls the ruins of the planet’s capitol mega city and the tomb of the Mattblackgod. Another Trog Nob known as Da Duke controls the ruins to the North of the Matt Black City now known as Nu Ork. The Immortan Trog controls some of the deserts of Trogwanna using Humans as the main body of his warband. So I can quite happily twist and fit further Gorkamorka madness into MBW. 

At some point I would love to build this Ork slaver’s walker from the fluff in the 40K Rogue Trader rule book.

Until then the Mad Mek’s will have to keep a eye open for suitable gubbins to build it.

Thanks for looking. 

Stay safe out there. 


  1. A nice little post. Are you painting your Trogs in traditional orc green?

    1. Not sure yet. My Ork collection is a mix of browns and greens. So either will fit in. I could go nuts and try white, blue or red skinned.

  2. That gunner's tower looks great! Like a pirate ship on wheels.

    1. It’s also handy for spotting scrap and sneaky attackers. Arrrgghhh.

  3. Definitely looking good! We need more!
