
Saturday, 27 March 2021

Spaceships for Stargrave

Hello and welcome back,

As one of the scenarios for the upcoming Stargrave takes place in a hangar I decided I needed to get some space ships for the scenario. 

Mooching around Amazon I found a deal for 3 Star Wars ships for £40. It seemed too good a deal to miss. The deal had 2 A wing fighters and a Y wing. All come with electronics which lights bits up and makes noises. I have yet to disable them. All three kits are snap together and went together quite quickly.

The A wings look a little to big for 28mm (judging by the size of the pilots) but hey this is Sci Fi so a little bigger works. Both cockpits open and undercarriage retracts. Handy for those parked up and needs attention look I want from the space craft.

The Y wing looks more suited to 15mm and has a twin seat cockpit. However it would work for a small race in 28mm. It will also see some action in my 15mm games. 

The plastic kits looked too clean. So I painted some bits silver (engine parts) and then dry brushed silver or grey on the guns and gubbins. I then added silver wear to various parts of the spaceships. The ships then got a black wash to make some details ping and make them look grubby. 

I may at a later date do a little more work on these. Maybe get some grey weathering around the panels?  But for now they will do the job. 

Thanks for looking 

Stay safe out there. 

1 comment:

  1. Nice work on them all. I have been contemplating picking up similar ships for Star Wars Legion. I just can't guess on size.
