
Saturday, 10 July 2021

Cargo piles.

Hello and welcome back, 

Another blog post! Things are looking up. I have been busy putting some crate stacks together. 

I have had a hankering for a some piles of cargo for some time. Piles and stacks of crates creates plenty of cover, tight spaces and multiple levels making games more challenging.

Perhaps these stacks of crates lie deep in a post apocalyptic bunker or a forgotten warehouse in the ruins. Or maybe they lie on the landing pad or dockside warehouse of a frontier world space port.  Maybe they sit in the hold of a starship. 

These crates came from multiple sources. There are some mantic, Gale Force Nine Aliens crates (given away by the Wayland Yutani logos), a few 3D printed crates (the wooden ones) and some unidentified Sci Fi resin crates. Many of the crates came in a cheap eBay lot. 

The crates were super glued together into stacks in a variety of formations. I added some tarpaulins made from a dried out water based baby wipe. I gave the crates a quick and dirty paint jobs. I used several colours to make the crates look like they came from different sources (or they have been reused). Some signs and paperwork pouches were painted on the crates.

I had fun making these crate stacks. There are other crates in my terrain piles including cargo stacks made from bottle tops. I feel the need to revisit and update some of these older sets. 

Thanks for looking, pass a crow bar.

Take care out there. 


  1. Nice one 👌🏻 I haven’t tried using baby wipes before; something to keep in mind for a future project.

  2. Those all look great mate. Love the baby wipe idea it turned out really well.
