
Saturday, 7 August 2021

The Judges

Hello and welcome back, 

A little while back picked up Warlord’s 2000AD Judge Dredd boxed set. I got the judges finished a couple of months back but the pictures didn’t turn out well. So it was back to the photo set up.

These are resin figures and are 32mm in scale. 

As promised I have included some size comparison pictures with the older Mongoose Mega City One figures.

There is a fair height difference between them. The Warlord figures are thinner too. Looking at my old mongoose figures, I think they will need a few black washes/glazes to tone them down to the colour of the Warlord figures. 

The whole justice department. I now have to get all the gangs and other Mega City One miscreants painted too.

Thanks for looking.


  1. Wow they all look awesome. That is a lot of law and order ready to meat out justice!

    1. Cheers. I am expecting a riot in the mega city….or maybe some block wars.
