
Saturday, 2 October 2021

Sci Fi Dropship.

Hello and welcome back, we are off to the edge of human space. 

Every crew of Spacers need a drop ship to move stuff around the worlds they visit. It is always handy to have some fire support from time to time too. Ex dropships aren’t always easy or cheap to come by. 

This drop ship is a Hornet from the mantic game’s Warpath line. My aim was to build something that looks like it was found abandoned on a battlefield. Possibly lightly damaged or suffering from a some failure. Or maybe the crew had dismounted to be massacred. 

My idea is that this thing is used as a taxi and I wanted it to have a battered long suffering look. I added a couple of half spherical beads either side of the cockpit. The drop ship has been modified with a extensive sensor suite probably found on a crashed military search vehicle. A well informed crew makes better decisions. Who knows what other modifications are hidden under the hull panels? 

The more civilised worlds take affront at privately owned armed gunships whizzing about so the weapons can be easily removed by the crew before setting off. Not that they ever go to the more civilised worlds very often.

I have modelled the Hornet with the undercarriage down as this will be scenery in games more than a vehicle. Apart from maybe those “Get to the Choppa” escape scenarios (admit it, you read that in Arnold Schwarzenegger’s voice).

Thanks for looking, stay safe out there. 

1 comment:

  1. That came out great, mate, looks really nice! I keep wondering if this kit would be good as a 40K alternative flyer and your pictures really help with that, cheers!
