
Thursday, 2 June 2022

Wasteland Cargo Haulers

Hello and welcome back. 

With all the Ash Wastes and cargo haulers noise out in hobby land at the minute here is some scrap haulers I made earlier. About 10 to 15 years earlier. 

This hauler was built as a scrap built runner. The original kit was a 1/24 half track hotrod kit I got as a unwanted Christmas gift. 

The frames are all made from the kits sprues. The rear floor is recycled gift cards. Bits of the kit was reused as panels. The cannon is from Ramshackle games. The helmeted skull on top came from the original kit.

The convoy rolls out looking for loot.

The convoy returns with a captured Black on Black.

Then there is this beasty, known as the Thunderchild. It started as a 1/32 Ural truck. I like using 1/32 and 1/35 kits for 28mm Sci Fi conversions. The extra size makes them look better. Plus there is more room for bases. 

I left off the doors and built a new bonnet/hood. The platform is built from platformer kits. Some old Ork Bolters were added on plinths to keep the mutants at bay. The towing rig is scratch built from plastic I beams and the hook salvaged from a toy. The front ram is from a old 40K Rhino kit. 

Sadly this model has got an bit fragile with age and needs some repair. The platform is a little loose and now sits with a tilt. The rear axles have also come loose. Not sure if I should repair it or recycle the model for my future Post Apoc land train plans. 

But there is more. This monster began life as a 1/35 M113 APC kit. Insanely this kit was cheaper than the GW Rhino at the time. I managed to grab a load of Meccano wheels cheap on evilbay. They where fitted instead of the usual tracks. The back platform was fitted was the rear hatch fixed as permanently open for stashing loot. The side racks are granny grating and filled with junk from the bits box. 

Lots of bits, packs and other stowage cover this crawler. One advantage of being a old military modeller is that the bits box is pretty deep. I have to say that the M113 conversion is one of my favourite models. It needs more table time I think. 

Thanks for looking

Take care out there.

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