
Wednesday, 24 April 2024

I saw the signs...

Hello and Welcome back, 

I saw the signs.....well made them anyway.

It's more terrain made from junk, this time for Mattblackgod’s World. The idea to make this couple of models have been rattling around my brain for some time. They are intended to add a little more colour to my post apocalyptic township table. 

The Last City Sign. 

This idea has been lodged in my head around since I saw Curtis' from Ramshackle Games Helsreach sign at a Bring Your Own Lead 2018 show a few years ago. It finally came into being when a small card packing peice salvaged from an replacement electrical item fell into my grubby mitts. 

It was glued to an old CD as it resembled a large crumbling lump of concrete. A hole in the bottom of the peice was filled with some off cuts of drinking straws to resemble old pipes. Rooting around I found some off cuts of blue foam which I scattered around the base to resemble lumps of broken concrete. 

Bamboo skewers made up the frame for the sign and the sign was constructed from an old gift card. The letters are the only bought item, they are mdf letters intended for card making. The fungi was made from scrap green stuff putty. A bit of wing from a old model kit was added as a extra bit of detail.

The base was covered in sand/grit/bits from my basing box. The rest of the model had a couple coats of textured paint and painted grey. This was followed by a heavy white dry brush. The base was coated in Beastial Brown, then dry bushed in medium grey and bone. Several dark washes toned the model down. A final light dry brush finished the model off. 

The sign was painted bestial brown and then had several rust colours dabbed on with browns and oranges. It was dry brushed with silver and given several thin brown washes. Some extra orange specs where then added to give that rusty look. Some thinned green paint was added to look like dried chemical flows from the broken pipes.

Lots of tufts were added to tie it into the rest of my overgrown world. Some bits of graffiti were added to finish it off. 

The Bounty/Jobs board. 

I have fancied building the job board since I first played the Borderlands Computer game, a long time ago. 

This was quite a simple build. A couple of scrap plastic rods, glued to a gift card base. The back board was also a old gift card. A little roof was added from bits of corrugated card. The oil drum was a spare made by pressing milliput into a mould. A couple of skulls were raided from the bits box. The Ogre skull had a bullet hole added to it.

The notices were hand drawn and added with pva glue. A brown wash was added to age the notices. The notices needed a touch up to redefine the notices as the wash had smudged them.

A bit of extra graffiti was added to the back of the job board.

This was a simple and quick model.  Speaking of easy models I knocked up a gun turret for Zone Raiders.

A Las cannon from a 40K kit was glued to a peice of card tube to make a pillar. A couple of shields from some plastic fantasy skeletons over the usual 40k skull gubbins on the sides of the Las Cannon. Lots of thin card squares was glued to the pillar and the whole thing was glued to a old click base. Under coated in black and painted in gun metal silver. Lots of washes and stippling in browns and oranges gave it a grotty look.

Thanks for looking, take care out there.

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