
Thursday, 26 December 2024

The Rustlords

 Hello and Welcome back, 

Time for a little Boxing Day reading for you back in the wastelands of Mattblackgods world. The holidays giving me a little bit of time to catch up on my blogging.

Twelve days march south from Last City lies the lands of King Arty and his Skrap knights protecting the loot rich Skrap lands they call home.

Note: During the orbital bombardment of Mattblackgod’s world the freighter Typhon tried to flee the world loaded up with refugees. The Typhon crashed in the region now known as the Skrap lands. For decades the Skrap knights have kept the scavengers from looting their turf.


In recent times a new threat has arisen in the Skraplands, another warlord has arisen wearing what appears to be home made power amour (possibly a repaired old power amour suit upgraded with lots of plate metal). This Warlord is known as Rustmord and he leads a warband called the Rustlords.



Rustmord is a GW Age of Sigmar figure that I got on a magazine a few years ago. It was laying about annoying me and due to it’s massive size compared to my 28mm figures, when I hit on the idea for an opposing faction to King Arty and the Rust knights. The hobby knife and clippers appeared. The figure was chopped and shaved to look more Post Apocalyptic. Various bits of battle damage was added while I was there. The helmet came from Anvil Industries and gave the figure a more sinister look. It was painted gold as a nod to the Mordred character in the 80s Sword and Sorcery film Excalibur.

The swords are from a 40k Grey Knights sprue I found cheap on evilbay. They fitted the size of this figure nicely. A space marine back pack and several pouches were salvaged from the depths of the bits box to modernize the figure. Some hoses were added from green stuff and the swords got powerlines made from the plastic cord you get in bead sets. The old modeller’s mantra of never throw anything out applies here. The figure was mounted on a much lower base as the one that came with the figure made it look too tall.

Paint wise I chose lots of lovely rust, hence the character’s name. I picked out some colours associated with royals to distingush Rustmord is the obvious leader of the Warband.

The Rustkight:

The Rustknight is another member of the Rustlords warband. He is thought to be the Rustlord’s second in command. The Rustknight also appears to wear a homemade suit of power armor. Unlike the rest of the warband, the Rustknight roams the Skraplands alone attacking random bands of scavengers and King Arty’s people alike. He has become a terror of the Skraplands and his name is whispered in Skrapalot to keep naughty children in line.


Like the Rustmord  figure, the Rustknight is also a  GW Age of Sigmar figure from the same magazine. It had similar conversion work to Rustmord. The shield arm presented some challenges in what to use as a shield that had the right post apocalyptic look. Digging through the pile I found an old 1/48 Land Rover kit. A door was looted from the kit and a bit of xps foam makes up the re-enforcing plate across where the glass would have sat. The door makes an ideal shield for the size of the figure.

Paint wise I stuck to pure rust colours. The Rustknight is ready to terrorize the wastelands.


A warband needs to be knocked up for this faction, I also need to add some bullet fodder to the Skrapknights too. The plan is to convert various knight figures, Stargrave Scavengers and possible some old void plastic junkers I have knocking about. There is be a focus on melee weapons keeping firearms to a minimum and plenty of bits of random repurposed items to give the figures that Post Apocalyptic wasteland look.  

Thanks for reading. Stay Safe out there.

1 comment:

  1. Those are rally cool! The waetheing and their whole appearance is really something!!
