
Saturday, 10 August 2019

Interesting Times

Hello and welcome back to my blog.

Long time no post, many apologies. Life has been the old Chinese curse. Don’t worry some hobby time has been found. 

I was unable to go to BOYL Oldhammer event at Foundry Miniatures for various personal reasons. It’s a shame as I had blast last year. It was nice to meet other like minded individuals and put some names to faces. 

It was just as well I didn’t go. We wouldn’t have got there. My car has been giving me expensive headaches recently. Last Friday (the first day of BYOL) whilst bimbling through Liverpool, it decided to rip its oil pump to bits. It was going to be an expensive fix which would require a new oil pump, a full engine strip and clean to ensure there was no swarf lurking anywhere else. Better to be around the corner from my house than on a motorway looking forward to a great weekend I suppose. So all the headaches of vehicle disposal, car hire and new car hunting followed. Thankfully that all seems to be sorted for now. 

Still I have enjoyed all the pictures of the BYOL games I have seen on Facebook and on various blogs. Some inspirational stuff there. It also makes me realise that I need to get some games in. 

Hobby wise I have been working on some terrain builds. They are still work in progress. There is a bunker, a wreck, an industrial pump thing and a watch tower. 

I have been reworking an old bit of terrain. A industrial silo thing that was far too clean for its own good. New detail and some weathering has been added. It needs some added bits to finish. 

For the wastelands I am working on a Guardians faction (inspired by Fallouts Brotherhood of Steel) using Maelstroms Edge Epirans and some new bandits made from the bits box. I am also working on court of Baron Schmitt - the leader of Schmittville using Blind Beggar Figure. 

Bitza bandits with parts from all over. 

Another job that has been annoying me was the painted figures pile. I have finally organised them and labelled the various factions/gangs. This is so I can locate them when I want them rather than spend hours trying to find a particular gang. So far my wastelands has over 80 gangs and factions. I now have a nice list of them all to just to ensure I don’t miss any. It also made me think a new faction map may be in order. 

Sorting the lead and looking at the unpainted pile I have been getting lots of new warband ideas. I hope to get some of them sorted in the next couple of years. 

Thanks for looking. Take care out here.

1 comment:

  1. great terrain pieces,the pump is unusual and works well! ew
