
Friday, 23 August 2019

New Loot

Some new loot landed on the doormat (kind of - I had to collect it from my next door neighbour who was surprised at the weight of the parcel)...14 pounds of Fogou resin goodness from their recent Fortress kickstarter.

The casts look good with lots of detail. I am happy with the quality of the castings too. Fogou casts in a heavy resin which holds detail well and is fairly robust. I currently have some of their stuff on the paint table and it paints up well. It needs a good primer though as the resin absorbs paint. 

It looks like their will be a lot of painting in my future. I better go visit the various blogs of painting this set up. The chances are it will be a quick and dirty paint job.

Thanks for looking, stay safe out there.


  1. wow! great terrains and buildings coming soon i supposed! ew

    1. This lot will keep me busy for a long time. 😂
