
Wednesday, 27 July 2022

Warriors of the Wild Galaxy - Deljiebelli Security Force

Hello and welcome back, 

Time for another instalment of Warriors of the Wild Galaxy, this time the Deljiebelli Security Force.

Governor Inndaloo of the frontier world of Deljiebelli decided it was time for a security force to keep the peace in the various colonies on the world. Deljibelli couldn’t rely just on the Corporate or the security of various sites or colonies because they tend not to get involved in conflicts if the world has no security force.

The Galaxy is a dangerous place with GELF or pirates raids becoming more frequent so the needed for a defence force was felt to be prudent. It maybe useful in the unlikely event that Deljiebelli goes to war with its rival world Immodium. 

The Deljibelli Security Force (DSF) while acting as a military force also acts a police force patrolling the streets of the capital city Urg Deljibelli and around the world’s space port. It is quite common to see them standing watching bar brawls enjoying the entertainment then clearing up the aftermath, hanging around the city gates or spaceport attempting to look menacing and engaged in fire fights with smugglers or armed robbers.

The DSF do have access to some heavy weaponry as you never quite know what trouble you will run into across the world. 

General Kashnkarri leads the DSF and is always moaning to the Deljibelli council that the world’s force needs more equipment. Tanks, speeders, grav cars, power armour the list goes on and on. It is usually justified in some ludicrous excuse such as “you will be sorry when GELFs are using you to slake their lusts”. Old Kashnkarri is regarded as a source of entertainment to many in the civilised parts of Deljibelli.

Kashnkarri did manage to get a few fourth or possibly fifth hand armoured grav cars. They are ideal for crossing the sands of Deljibelli. Although flying over the top of a dune at high speed can cause damage to the grav repulsion drives under the vehicle. The cars usually patrol the main transport routes across the world. Armed with a laser cannon and machine gun the AGC can deal with most problems they are sent to attend to. The Grav car is a trash bashed computer mouse. 

Back in the days of the Terra Empire before the Earth exploded there was a empire wide craze of reacting old Earth Wars with real interest in the wars of the 20th to 22nd centuries. Digi printer files were available freely for most uniforms, weapons and war machines used in those conflicts. After the collapse of the Terra Empire these files found their way to the frontier worlds. The files were quickly adapted with updated plasma or hydrogen engines, better materials, sensor packages and updated weapons. 

This vehicle was printed from such a file. This tank was popular back on earth because in addition to the decent protection it also allowed up-to 6 infantry to be transported. Unlike the 20th & 21st century this vehicle was equipped with a 27th century plasma cannon. Kashnkarri managed to get resources to print a handful of these AFVs. They are usually parked around the space port as the plasma cannons are great for defence against invading pirates, GELFs or whatever fictional galactic menace Kashnkarri has invented this week.  The tank is a 1/48 scale Academy Mekriva. 

As Delijibelli is a arid world I felt that my old GW 40K Tallarns would fit the bill for the DSF. There are a few modified figures. The meltagun figures had 1/35 WW2 land mines added to give a Lewis Gun look.  

Thanks for looking. Take care out there. 

Monday, 11 July 2022

Warriors of the Wild Galaxy - The Tengun Empire

Hello and welcome back.

This is a new feature on my blog as I divide my miniatures collection between Sci Fi and post apocalyptic. This feature will be focused on the military types in my collection especially as they don’t have that post apocalyptic feel. 

In this first “Warriors of the Wild Galaxy” feature we are looking at the Warriors of the Tengun Empire. Tengun is a galactic empire that was founded from three prison worlds that went rogue during the galactic civil war that tore the Terra Empire apart. The “empire” operates in a piratical fashion raiding shipping and edge colonies. The original background fluff was written back in 2012 in a 15mm post which can be read here.

The ideal figures for the Tengun empire in 28mm are the old void Junkers. I had these in my “for sale when I can get motivated pile”. Originally I collected them as I liked the look of the force, plus they are quick to paint. They then morphed into my Garbage post apocalyptic faction based in an ancient garbage dump. I did think of reworking them as a salute to Caesar’s Legion in the Fallout New Vegas video game as they have that Roman vibe. A couple of figures in the collection became Fallout style Vaulties with body armour. 

I chose to use these figures for the Tengun pirate empire as the Junker’s Legion have a similar background. My original figures were painted with red helmets and rusty metal shoulder pads which are rather fashionable in the post apocalyptic world. Sadly the colour scheme didn’t match the Tengun colours. So they got a light grey armour with yellow helmets. The shields got reworked in grey with the Tengun symbol. 

Here we see a band of Tengun warriors. 

The Sarge is a metal figure. The majority of the warriors figures are old plastic void junkers. These are great kits to assemble. There is a choice of two legs. The Torso comes in two parts. The lower torso and arms are ball & socket so it gives the figures an infinite amount of poses. Heads, shields, knives and shotguns are also separate. For me these are some of the most fun figures to assemble leading to the many poses in this force. 

These lads are the force specialists. They are mostly metal figures. Left to right there is a chain gunner, flame thrower, grenadier and a cannon. The cannon is a plastic figure posed to hold an old cannon off a ancient games workshop epic scale Titan cannon. 

This force comes with a couple of fast attack options. A void buggy with chain gun and a saurian rider. The saurian rider is another plastic figure mounted on a rubber dinosaur toy with a green stuff saddle and bridal made from wire. 

The whole force in its raider glory. 

I will be adding to this force as Seb Games have a Void 1.1 skirmish game coming with old Junkers and Viridians figures. I won’t mention the 10 plastic junkers for conversions lurking in my to do pile or a couple of figures that have gone awol. Plus I will be adding to the force in future with the figures Seb Games carries. I really like those sand runners.

Thanks for looking. Take care out there.

Saturday, 9 July 2022

New terrain bits.

Hello and welcome back.

A couple of new terrain bits that will work for both Post Apocalyptic and Sci Fi. 

First up a scrap bin. 

This was inspired by a post on the Combat Zone Chronicles. Take a plastic bottle cap, fill it with junk laying about and paint. Simple and quick. Well this one wasn’t that quick. I made it and it sat on the work bench for years. Then I took it out, did a bit on it and back onto to the workbench it went. Repeat every 12 months until I got sick of looking at it and actually finished it. 

Imagine you are digging through that bunker or smash into the shack at the end of shanty town the weirdo lives in and you find this….

A genuine domesday device with the clock counting down. Do you run? Is it atomic as there is no running away from that! Cut a wire to stop it? Hope that it’s a weird practical joke?

The doomsday device is from the GW 40K objectives kit. 

Thanks for looking. Take care out there.

Prefab Hab

Hello there, welcome back to my blog. 

We are visiting the world of Dejlibelli. Today we will take a look at a different type of building found on frontier worlds. The didgprinted prefab is quick to create and stops all this time consuming building with local resources nonsense that seems popular with the poorer colonists. 

There are many types and styles of prefab in existence. They can be transported in flat pack style in a ship’s hold or be printed in situ using a digi printer rig usually fitted in a ship’s hold. These ships are usually hired and flown to the colony site. Digi printing offers the advantage of being able to manipulate the files to produce a vast array of buildings. Another alternative is the Digi rig used for larger buildings like this hab. They use a control computer, several print posts placed around the structure site and a couple of printer drones. 

This model began life as a salad bowl tub. Yes, do eat healthily occasionally. Not too often though, I don’t want to give healthy living the wrong impression!  After scoffing the salad the tub was washed and kept because I liked the flat cutouts on the bowl sides. A coating of mod podge with paper reinforced the insides. A couple of coats of mod podge and 48 hours to set and the flimsy sides were solid.

The doors, windows and other bits came from the Maelstroms Edge terrain kits. These kits are really useful for building Sci Fi terrain. After I cut out the holes to take the doors and windows I added a base for extra ridigity. 

The whole thing was primed grey with good old car primer. A first for me was to try chipping fluid on this build. You paint it on the base coat in the places you want the wear and chips to be. Paint over it - in this case white car primer. When the paint has dried wet the areas with the chipping fluid and rub off the chipping fluid. Some colours where added to the door and window shutters over chipping fluid. 

The base got my standard sand, cork, small stones mix glued to it. It was painted brown and dry brushed with dark sand. Some tufts finish it off. 

The model had some markings, graffiti and posters added. 

That’s it done. A cheap effective looking building with some thanks to Maelstroms  edge terrain sprues for all the handy stuff on them. 

Thanks for looking. Stay safe out there.

Boromites in the Wild Galaxy

Hello and welcome back. 

Out on the outer limits of Dvarg Space on the far side of GELF space, the Dvarg ran into an Alien Species mining asteroids. This is the first major contact humanity or human origin species has made with an alien race.

The Boromites are an advanced silicon based life form. They live in family clans moving from place to place growing in wealth until they can return to their homeworld and claim a stake in the greater Boromite society. The wealthier the clan the more power and influence.

Boromites have stony skin and do not require oxygen. They can operate happily around lava flows or in the vacuum of space. Boromites use gene manipulation to aid their survival mining asteroids and dead worlds. They also breed various silicon based creatures to assist their mining operations or in some cases to keep as pets.

These figures are Boromite Engineers by Warlord Games Beyond Gates of Antares range.

Upon first contact the Dvarg and Boromites stood and watched each other trying to suss out the threat level. Until the Dvarg leader decided to go trade with the Boromites. Thankfully both species were after different minerals so their interests didn’t clash and are interested in each other’s technologies. The Dvarg are fascinated by the Boromites as silicon based life has never been encountered before. Some sects of Dvarg society believes that all stone and mineral has life and regard Boromites as evidence of this. The more extreme Dvarg sects maintain that the Boromites as sacred and should be treated as such. 

The Boromite clan is also fascinated by the Dvarg as they have never encountered carbon based life forms before. They are also interested in Dvarg mining and industrial techniques. It is also evident to both parties that they can help each other in mining operations. 

Boromites from the Clan can sometimes be found working along Dvarg crew at the human frontier. The Clan wish to learn all that they can about Dvarg, GELF and human society possibly with a view to new trading opportunities and to learn about new technologies  with the aim of dominating the Boromite home world upon return. 

The strange looking aliens attract attention in the space ports and the Dvarg’s often find themselves having to protect them. Especially as the Boromites find silicon computer chips a delicious delicacy, which can create all manner of problems in human space including angry humans wondering why the life support or vending machine has crashed. 

Thanks for looking, take care out there.