
Monday, 11 July 2022

Warriors of the Wild Galaxy - The Tengun Empire

Hello and welcome back.

This is a new feature on my blog as I divide my miniatures collection between Sci Fi and post apocalyptic. This feature will be focused on the military types in my collection especially as they don’t have that post apocalyptic feel. 

In this first “Warriors of the Wild Galaxy” feature we are looking at the Warriors of the Tengun Empire. Tengun is a galactic empire that was founded from three prison worlds that went rogue during the galactic civil war that tore the Terra Empire apart. The “empire” operates in a piratical fashion raiding shipping and edge colonies. The original background fluff was written back in 2012 in a 15mm post which can be read here.

The ideal figures for the Tengun empire in 28mm are the old void Junkers. I had these in my “for sale when I can get motivated pile”. Originally I collected them as I liked the look of the force, plus they are quick to paint. They then morphed into my Garbage post apocalyptic faction based in an ancient garbage dump. I did think of reworking them as a salute to Caesar’s Legion in the Fallout New Vegas video game as they have that Roman vibe. A couple of figures in the collection became Fallout style Vaulties with body armour. 

I chose to use these figures for the Tengun pirate empire as the Junker’s Legion have a similar background. My original figures were painted with red helmets and rusty metal shoulder pads which are rather fashionable in the post apocalyptic world. Sadly the colour scheme didn’t match the Tengun colours. So they got a light grey armour with yellow helmets. The shields got reworked in grey with the Tengun symbol. 

Here we see a band of Tengun warriors. 

The Sarge is a metal figure. The majority of the warriors figures are old plastic void junkers. These are great kits to assemble. There is a choice of two legs. The Torso comes in two parts. The lower torso and arms are ball & socket so it gives the figures an infinite amount of poses. Heads, shields, knives and shotguns are also separate. For me these are some of the most fun figures to assemble leading to the many poses in this force. 

These lads are the force specialists. They are mostly metal figures. Left to right there is a chain gunner, flame thrower, grenadier and a cannon. The cannon is a plastic figure posed to hold an old cannon off a ancient games workshop epic scale Titan cannon. 

This force comes with a couple of fast attack options. A void buggy with chain gun and a saurian rider. The saurian rider is another plastic figure mounted on a rubber dinosaur toy with a green stuff saddle and bridal made from wire. 

The whole force in its raider glory. 

I will be adding to this force as Seb Games have a Void 1.1 skirmish game coming with old Junkers and Viridians figures. I won’t mention the 10 plastic junkers for conversions lurking in my to do pile or a couple of figures that have gone awol. Plus I will be adding to the force in future with the figures Seb Games carries. I really like those sand runners.

Thanks for looking. Take care out there.

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