Sunday, 29 December 2024

Another Behemoth Immunocyte for Zone Raiders

 Hello and Welcome Back.

Now we return back to the artificial world of Matrioshka, in the post singularity setting of the Zone Raiders game. 

There are a many types of Immuncyte threats to the denizens of the Matrioshka world of Zone Raiders. The larger ones are known as behemoths. 


 This example of a Behemoth has been created in the form of a giant spider. No one knows who created it. Was it one of the post humans or was it created by the Matrioshka after the singularity event?  Armed with deadly powered mandibles, bladed legs and a heavy plasma cannon this ancient machine heeds the call of the other Immuncytes and joins the hunt to destroy all sentient life in the Matrioshka.


This model is a 40K Necron Spyder I got for Christmas a couple of years ago.  Necrons fit the descriptions of Immuncytes in the Zone Raiders fluff quite nicely. As many Immunocyte in the Matrioshka are aeons old I went for a rusty paint job.


I seem to have quite a force of Immucytes for Zone Raiders, maybe I should get a game in some time. Although I need more industrial looking space station terrain. I will also need to figure out just what to use as the dreaded Meta Demon....

Thanks for reading and take care out there.

Starport Scum 8

Hello and Welcome back, 

Time to visit the Wild Galaxy and take a peek at more examples of Starport scum. 

Briyce Lushian is a rebellious young lady who ran away from her old life to the frontier worlds.  Briyce hangs around the spaceport looking for work or adventure, while doing her best to steer clear of falling in with or foul of any of the space port gangs that may be operating here.


The figure is a classic Necromunda Esher juve that I picked up painted on ebay. The figure was reasonably painted so all I did was add some washes and high lights to make the detail pop. Some extra detailing work was added too. The figure was also rebased as the base was painted in the classic GW goblin green. 

I plan to use Briyce Lushian as a character in my 5Parsecs campaign.

TakA6 is an old CyberDan corporation Killstar Combat Android. This line has been long discontinued and there aren’t many Killstar Androids left in circulation. Most were destroyed in combat actions on distant worlds with the few survivors being taken for target practice use.


TakA6 became self aware after a high power electric jolt and a whack on the head. As the last remaining android in his unit he went AWOL, looking for a better life. The Android now offers his services across the starports of frontier space. His main concern is finding spare parts, although occasionally a scrap Killstar unit turns up in the starport junk dealers. TakA6 is looking for a good android repairer he can trust to repair him and maybe source or modify parts designed for other Cyberdan units. Although he will happily take parts from other sources, provided they work.

TakA6 is a old Robogear figure that came with their line of terrain and quirky futuristic vehicle models. I have a few of these figures so a Killstar unit may be on the cards in future. TakA6 will probably turn up in a future 5 Parsecs crew or as a hireling. Maybe even turning up on Maddans world as an adventurer or a freelance.

Thanks for looking. Take care out there. 

Friday, 27 December 2024

More denziens of the Wastelands.

Hello and Welcome back, pull up a crate and let me tell you about more folk who live in the Wastelands. 

The Technomancer

The Technomancer is legendary across the Last City and wastelands beyond. He is a wizard with ancient technology. Want to get that old tablet working or robot activated? Need to find out what that gizmo you found in the ruins is? Then he is the man to visit. Beware his staff. While it is fitted with a jury rigged scanner to find ancient technology it is also equipped with an electrical shock weapon which stuns living things and machines alike. The staff has been very useful when a dormant warbot awakes and goes beserk. The Last City Authorities take a dim view on rampaging Warbots within the city limits.

The Technomancer is a based on a Frostgrave plastic wizard figure. The head came from a Necromunda Orlock sprue. The gun arm came another Necromunda Underhive figure. The shoulder pad and pouches were found in the depths of the bits box. His shock staff/scanner is a Frostgrave wizard arm with a modified staff. A bead makes up the power pack while the scanner dish is a 1/76 tank wheel. The power lines are plastic cord from a bead set.

I imagine the Technomancer living in a tower of scrap and junk. That is a possible future terrain project. 

The Scavenger

Scavenging is a way of life for most out in the wastelands. This figure is a Stargrave metal scavenger. I am planning on making the plastics up make general wasteland rabble as they have the right look. There also a few other metal scavengers in the paint queue. So expect to see more in the future.


A new Guardian

The Guardians are a faction that horde military technology and weapons, apparently to keep the surviving humanity “safe from repeating the mistakes of the past” (inspired by Fallout's Brotherhood of Steel). They wander around the wastelands, lead by old power armored units looking for dangerous weapons and equipment. Often taking such treasures by force. While they view themselves as humanity's' saviours, they are viewed as bullies by the denizens of the wastelands. Their equipment is varied as the power armor came from many different sources during Mattblackgods world end wars.


This new addition to my Guardian forces is a resin Stargrave power armored trooper. While nice figures I found it a bit too detailed to paint.

Warlord Byron

Warlord Byron is the leader of the settlement of Byronville in the Freepeoples Wastes. He parades around in a old power armored suit (many of his “subjects” would say throwing is weight around) and offers his town’s support to the Freepeoples Confederacy. 


Warlord Byron is a resin Stargrave Power Armored Pirate figure. Again a very detailed, very busy figure which I found a pain to paint.


Nak the big un.

Nak is a mutant, appearing large and hulking compared to other Wastelanders. His size makes him stand out. Despite his size and strength Nak is a gentle soul who shuns humanity and other mutants. Sadly, his size and strength also makes him a target. He lives alone in the wastes preferring solitude and befriends (cares for) injured animals.


Nak is a super mutant figure from a cheap 54mm Fallout figure set.


“Hey Nak, lets team up. Your muscle would be handy getting those heavier bits of salvage back. We will split it seventy thirty! That’s fair, right?” 

Thanks for looking, stay safe out there! 

Thursday, 26 December 2024

The Rustlords

 Hello and Welcome back, 

Time for a little Boxing Day reading for you back in the wastelands of Mattblackgods world. The holidays giving me a little bit of time to catch up on my blogging.

Twelve days march south from Last City lies the lands of King Arty and his Skrap knights protecting the loot rich Skrap lands they call home.

Note: During the orbital bombardment of Mattblackgod’s world the freighter Typhon tried to flee the world loaded up with refugees. The Typhon crashed in the region now known as the Skrap lands. For decades the Skrap knights have kept the scavengers from looting their turf.


In recent times a new threat has arisen in the Skraplands, another warlord has arisen wearing what appears to be home made power amour (possibly a repaired old power amour suit upgraded with lots of plate metal). This Warlord is known as Rustmord and he leads a warband called the Rustlords.



Rustmord is a GW Age of Sigmar figure that I got on a magazine a few years ago. It was laying about annoying me and due to it’s massive size compared to my 28mm figures, when I hit on the idea for an opposing faction to King Arty and the Rust knights. The hobby knife and clippers appeared. The figure was chopped and shaved to look more Post Apocalyptic. Various bits of battle damage was added while I was there. The helmet came from Anvil Industries and gave the figure a more sinister look. It was painted gold as a nod to the Mordred character in the 80s Sword and Sorcery film Excalibur.

The swords are from a 40k Grey Knights sprue I found cheap on evilbay. They fitted the size of this figure nicely. A space marine back pack and several pouches were salvaged from the depths of the bits box to modernize the figure. Some hoses were added from green stuff and the swords got powerlines made from the plastic cord you get in bead sets. The old modeller’s mantra of never throw anything out applies here. The figure was mounted on a much lower base as the one that came with the figure made it look too tall.

Paint wise I chose lots of lovely rust, hence the character’s name. I picked out some colours associated with royals to distingush Rustmord is the obvious leader of the Warband.

The Rustkight:

The Rustknight is another member of the Rustlords warband. He is thought to be the Rustlord’s second in command. The Rustknight also appears to wear a homemade suit of power armor. Unlike the rest of the warband, the Rustknight roams the Skraplands alone attacking random bands of scavengers and King Arty’s people alike. He has become a terror of the Skraplands and his name is whispered in Skrapalot to keep naughty children in line.


Like the Rustmord  figure, the Rustknight is also a  GW Age of Sigmar figure from the same magazine. It had similar conversion work to Rustmord. The shield arm presented some challenges in what to use as a shield that had the right post apocalyptic look. Digging through the pile I found an old 1/48 Land Rover kit. A door was looted from the kit and a bit of xps foam makes up the re-enforcing plate across where the glass would have sat. The door makes an ideal shield for the size of the figure.

Paint wise I stuck to pure rust colours. The Rustknight is ready to terrorize the wastelands.


A warband needs to be knocked up for this faction, I also need to add some bullet fodder to the Skrapknights too. The plan is to convert various knight figures, Stargrave Scavengers and possible some old void plastic junkers I have knocking about. There is be a focus on melee weapons keeping firearms to a minimum and plenty of bits of random repurposed items to give the figures that Post Apocalyptic wasteland look.  

Thanks for reading. Stay Safe out there.

Sunday, 22 December 2024

Merry Christmas

As I am not sure I will get a chance before the big day arrives, so let me wish you all, a Very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

I hope Father Christmas brings you some nice goodies and you have a wonderful time. 

Catch you on the other side,

Stay safe and Merry Christmas 

Friday, 13 December 2024

Post Apocalyptic Wargames Forum news.

 Hello and Welcome back,

Come warm yourself by the fire. 

As some of my longer term readers may know I run the Post Apocalyptic Wargames forum. Some years ago the provider Zetaboards was bought out by Tapatalk. 

Tapatalk wasn't the best provider and over the years it has proven to be unstable and treats it's forum members with contempt. Recently the forum has become somewhat unusable as non paying users have been bombarded by aggressive advertising. This has caused a dramatic drop in traffic to the forum. It was killing it off so in order to survive I have moved the forum to a new provider. The new site is:

Sadly, Tapatalk won't provide a backup of the forum, it is a common treatment of other unhappy forum owners. Attempts to pull the data from the forum failed as the online scripts no longer work with the programs they are supposed to work with. 

So we are starting from scratch. The old forum will be kept as a libary. However if you like Post Apocalyptic Wargames, RPG's or tabletop games come visit us. We have a chance to build another cool forum. 

Thanks for reading. Hopefully I will catch you over there.