Hello and Welcome back to my blog. This is my 500th post. I can’t believe I made it so far. So sit back and enjoy next bunch of post apocalyptic miniature goodness.
The Hooligans started life as a wandering band of bandits. After a decade of wandering the gang discovered a wonderful green valley, unspoilt like a ghost from the distant past. They sent scouts into the valley and learnt that besides the mutant bears and wolves, there appeared to be a group of what appeared to be peaceful tribals.
Deciding that this could be a great opportunity to settle down. Moving forward into the valley the Hooligans discovered that another bandit clan had attacked the tribals. A small band of the tribals where fighting back with the limited weapons at their disposal. Arriving at the village the Hooligans offered their services on condition that they could settle in the valley. The peaceful villagers had mixed feelings but then having a strong ally who could protect them had it’s advantages. The tribals had problems for years with the bandits. Many of them had been killed and a few women molested.
The Hooligans moved out and hit the bandits hard, who where expecting badly armed poorly trained tribals not battle hardened bandits. The Hooligans wiped the other bandits out with ease, allowing the abused villagers a chance to execute some captive bandits.
A generation later the Hooligans live side by side with the tribals peacefully and have intermingled with them (and providing a much needed genetic variety to the tribals). The Hooligans are regarded as the warlike element of the tribe. Bandit raids have now become a thing of the past. In addition to patrols and war parties the Hooligans escort trade convoys in and out of the valley.

Critchlow & Klara
Critchlow is the Hooligans leader. His calm and ruthless attitude has kept him war party leader and green valley safe. Klara is the gangs second in command. She commands respect and is a fierce opponent. Many of the Hooligans including Critchlow wish was their squeeze but Klara has made it clear she is not interested, backed up by bouts of deadly violence.

Critchlow and Klara are from Emporium Miniatures. These guys are obviously inspired by the art work of Carl Critchlow in the old GW Dark Future rule book. I decided to name the leader after the artist.
Mad Dave & Karl
Mad Dave is one of the Hooligan’s close combat specialists probably because he has anger issues. He favours an old rotary cutter which is also handy for cutting into ruins and wrecks for loot, or those rare occasions where an escape is needed. Karl is the Hooligan’s technomancer. He carries a old energy pistol and an energy field generator which is handy for when the gang comes under fire. The field usually allows Mad Dave to take is anger out at whoever is shooting at them.

Mad Dave and Karl are from the Mini Gangs - Key Chain Mohawks by Ramshackle games. Karl lost his sword tip in a cat invasion of the paint table.
Maz and Broose
Maz is a skilled medic and hacker, skills he learnt from books he found in the library of a school in Green Valley. During a bandit raid Maz was wounded and his arm had to be amputated (by Mad Dave who seemed to enjoy performing the operation). In the weeks that followed Maz grafted an arm from a robot to his shoulder. Although he graft was successful it took him months to train himself to use it. Now Maz’ arm is fully functional plus he can punch through a wall. Broose is the war parties gun man. He keeps enemies pinned with automatic fire while the rest of the gang get close. In battle his trade mark battle cry of “Yippe-ki-ee” can be heard of the rattle of his assault rifle.

Maz and Broose are from the Mini Gangs - Key Chain Mohawks by Ramshackle games.

Masher is the Hooligans big un and like Mad Dave like to get up close & personal with enemies. His extra bulk and strength allows him to overcome most wasteland psychos easily and even the bears that prowl the Green Valley. In addition to a large hammer Masher carries an modified industrial rotary cutter inspired by Mad Dave who he idolises.

The figure is Chicken by Ramshackle Games. It lost it’s sword in the same cat related incident as Karl. One of the downsides of resin figures is that they can be fragile and not cat bum resistant. I have lost a couple of other resin figures to those cats. The blade was replaced by a 40K Space Ork weapon. The cutter fits nicely on the hilt of he sword.

The Hooligans are slightly inspired by the gangs of the Taiga forest in the Metro Exodus computer game.
That’s all for now. I hope 500th post has entertained. Here’s to the next 500! Thank you for following and reading my posts over the years.
Take care out there and lookout for post 501.